Age of Empires 2 HD

Pretty sweet. The graphics effects aren't the exciting things for me, its more the Steam intergeneration, which should mean its possible to play multiplayer without going through Tunngle or Hamachi.
WOLO WOLO (already pre-ordered)
Byzantines ftw :D Before I came across SupCom: Forged Alliance, AoE2-Conquerers for many years was my best and most played RTS. Sadly it was a buggy pos on modern OS's so I stopped playing it. Can't wait for this remake.
OMG this is the best news i've had in a long time. This is the only game I still play these days. Not being able to run at high res is the only thing that annoys me. All sorted with this! Purchased. Happy days. :)
Still own the originals and play them from time to time, but I'll definitely be getting this for steamworks etc. instead of having to use voobly. Plus I guess we'll have more modern resolutions available.

Plus it will probably revive/freshen up the MP community, it's hard to get back into when everyone that's playing has been doing so for recent months.
Hoping they do something with the graphics! and not just a quick money spinner!

Well they've improved the water, fire and cliffs a little, and made it work at high res screens. They aren't doing a complete redo however.

I'm more excited about the Steam integration than the graphics however.
To me this doesn't look an awful lot different, do all the old age of empires only run at a low res? and it means its going to be able to be 1080p?
To me this doesn't look an awful lot different, do all the old age of empires only run at a low res? and it means its going to be able to be 1080p?

I think so, in which case it'd be pointless making an 'Age of Mythology HD' because it's already possible to play that at HD resolutions
To me this doesn't look an awful lot different, do all the old age of empires only run at a low res? and it means its going to be able to be 1080p?

I thought the max res was 1280x1024 or 1600x1200:confused: and it just means that you will be able to see more of the map as the gfx stay the same
Almost creamed when I saw this and then swiftly went and pre ordered on Steam.

Quitting my job/life/girlfriend as of early access.

The music on the trailer brought it all back :D
Black Forrest was my favorite map on regicide, rush to trap your opponent as there was always a bottle neck and then use the catapults to bury your king deep in the forest with many layers of protection, ahh the good times.
Despite my initial disappoint about the graphics, I have pre ordered the HD version. Just wish I could still find my old discs for AOE 2 or 3.
lol I just remembered something...

...I managed to get AOE 2 working in 1920x1080 with a simple fix, its quite simple I think all I did was search "aoe 2 widescreen" in google.

Thus rendering this release completely pointless.

this link = aoe 2 in hd, no need to buy aoe 2 hd if you own aoe 2 already.
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