I was thinking of buying this Air Brush
I think thats the one I use, an Evolution solo
I was thinking of buying this Air Brush
Right I'm planning on making a couple of planes, since mine from when I was young are falling off my ceiling and looking pretty tatty now.
I'm going to do this Spitfire and this Zero and I was just wondering if anyone has any decent links to glues and brushes to get.
Also for fixing decals...? I know it might seem a bit silly but would like to get some decent practice of getting it right before I go and try anything extravagant.
Bloody gorgeous, particularly the subtle pre-shading.
190D is the meanest looking WW2 fighter ever.
Bought a Revell f/a-18f super hornet 1:48 the other day from a model shop.
Opened the box to have a look etc today and noticed for some reason one of the bags containing some sprue's had been opened. not only that but both cockpit seats had been assembled (3 pieces per seat) and were also missing a piece on each seat that has been taken off of the sprue but no where to be seen.
I shall look forward to some answers from this model shop tomorrow when I ring them. Especially as it was a 14 mile drive each way to there model shop.
Feel like I have been slightly wronged in that purchase now