
Oh it certainly does go through the door, I was looking at this thing yesterday at the model engineering exhibition, very impressive (and mahoosive!)
@Dis86 - it's a Mark VII, still haven't started it!

Here's my first model - yes it has a filter on it and yes the photo is tiny and yes that's because I did a terrible job painting it with my three paints, ha ha!


Has anyone tried those Airfix Quickbuild sets?
Churchill finished (minus a few post-painting bits to add). Any tips for aeriels? I'm going to build a few more tanks and then buy the paints all at once, I think. Universal Carrier next, I reckon.

Heat a bit of sprue up above a naked flame, candle works fine.
Then pull apart when melting. Let it cool then cut to length.
Takes a bit of practice but I used to do it with my old Tamiya tanks and I was about 13 at the time, so can't be too hard.
Is Tamiya the best for tank kits? Can anyone recommend another maker if not, please?

@Dis86 - Thanks. The tracks are correct but I have a couple of mud guards to add so perhaps it looks funny. I've checked on the instructions, though. :)

Heat a bit of sprue up above a naked flame, candle works fine.
Then pull apart when melting. Let it cool then cut to length.
Takes a bit of practice but I used to do it with my old Tamiya tanks and I was about 13 at the time, so can't be too hard.

Thanks, I'll have a go!
@Edrof double check the orientation. The track on the right looks fine but on the lefthand track the angled sections should point up, not down (like the right).
Is Tamiya the best for tank kits? Can anyone recommend another maker if not, please?

@Dis86 - Thanks. The tracks are correct but I have a couple of mud guards to add so perhaps it looks funny. I've checked on the instructions, though. :)

Thanks, I'll have a go!

Tamiya have been at the forefront of armour kits since the seventies and came up with the 1/35th scale that is common today.

They still produce some of the best kits but other manufacturers have equalled or bettered them in certain areas.

Check out:

Tamiya have been at the forefront of armour kits since the seventies and came up with the 1/35th scale that is common today.

They still produce some of the best kits but other manufacturers have equalled or bettered them in certain areas.

Check out:


Super, thanks a lot!

@Edrof double check the orientation. The track on the right looks fine but on the lefthand track the angled sections should point up, not down (like the right).

Ha ha, you're completely right! The tracks are only on temporarily, fortunately. Cheers :)
Super, thanks a lot!

Just few rule of thumbs for tanks :)

Takom makes the best T54, T55, Type 59/69 etc. They need nothing but maybe a metal barrel gun, or some different tow cables.
Currently building Type 59 (from the 59/69-I kit), I have a second box to build a Type 69-I, and another box for T-55AMV.

Dragon, Meng and Trumpeter/Hobbyboss, Takom make great WWII. But some might need new tracks if you do not want vinyl.
Tamiya is hit and miss. Most of the time they repackage kits from the 90s, so need to be careful and read the reviews.
Just few rule of thumbs for tanks :)

Takom makes the best T54, T55, Type 59/69 etc. They need nothing but maybe a metal barrel gun, or some different tow cables.
Currently building Type 59 (from the 59/69-I kit), I have a second box to build a Type 69-I, and another box for T-55AMV.

Dragon, Meng and Trumpeter/Hobbyboss, Takom make great WWII. But some might need new tracks if you do not want vinyl.
Tamiya is hit and miss. Most of the time they repackage kits from the 90s, so need to be careful and read the reviews.

I've made a note of that, thank you! I have a Tamiya Sherman on the way and then will start looking around after I've built that. I think I want to complete every British WWII-era tank.
I've made a note of that, thank you! I have a Tamiya Sherman on the way and then will start looking around after I've built that. I think I want to complete every British WWII-era tank.

Sherman you said? One is not enough. Have a look at this book if you wish, it has more than 50 ideas and constructions....
"Building and detailing realistic Sherman tanks" ISBN-10 0890247897

As for British, Trumpeter is releasing soon a M3 Lee, for the N Africa campaign..
This model-making lark is addictive! I've finished building the 1/35 Tamiya Early Sherman and really enjoyed it. Very easy kit to build and it took me about 5 days. I liked being able to customise it and took inspiration from period photos of early Shermans in theatre, festooning it with unused parts from the Matilda II and Churchill VII. Interestingly, I was going to buy more on-vehicle bits to put on my Churchill but, looking at contemporary photos, you can see that those crews didn't really add much stuff to them so I shall leave it for now.

@Panos, that book is dangerous and I want no part of it! :D



I've just finished a Universal Carrier kit and it must be an older Tamiya model because it was of much lower quality, with cheap-looking parts and noticeably worse fit.

Tamiya Cromwell on the way!
This model-making lark is addictive! I've finished building the 1/35 Tamiya Early Sherman and really enjoyed it. Very easy kit to build and it took me about 5 days. I liked being able to customise it and took inspiration from period photos of early Shermans in theatre, festooning it with unused parts from the Matilda II and Churchill VII. Interestingly, I was going to buy more on-vehicle bits to put on my Churchill but, looking at contemporary photos, you can see that those crews didn't really add much stuff to them so I shall leave it for now.

@Panos, that book is dangerous and I want no part of it! :D



I've just finished a Universal Carrier kit and it must be an older Tamiya model because it was of much lower quality, with cheap-looking parts and noticeably worse fit.

Tamiya Cromwell on the way!

She is a beauty. Really nice representation of casting also.

Yeah is dangerous book...... It has everything from the very first M4 to Israeli M-50/51s even a Chilean one (which apparently might be still in service!)
It has some dioramas with full water crossings....
I am currently in the process of building my first scale model for quite a number of years and wondered if anyone had tips on natural looking weathering. I'm building a Tornado F3 ADV from 5 Sqn RAF based out of Coningsby in 1:48. It is being built as a present for my father in law who served as an engineer on them in the 90's/00's. I have used a Revell kit with a number of extra parts and photo etch for cockpit, RBF tags etc but so far only done a Flory Dark wash across with some minor weathering powders to dirty up exhaust vents etc.

I would like to try and get some more streaking but don't want it to look too far from operational and used. Any tips?

I also made a major mistake with taking off the canopy masking prior to clear coat so the canopy is not as crystal clear as I hoped. I was going to try and clean up with thinners and airbrush cleaner (clear coat is Vallejo gloss Acrylic) but worried it will make the canopy even more milky/frosted so may just leave it. I need to apply a matte coat yet to flat the model so hoping that doesn't make it worse too.

I'll post some pics later so you can see how far I have got but it needs a bit more weathering I think as it still looks a little too clean.

I also need to do a Harrier for another relative so any recommendations on a good kit for an RAF Harrier in 1:48? I think he was working on GR7's but waiting to confirm service dates to get the right one. I'll be buying resin parts and photo etch again to help and will need to find a decal set for his Squadron too hopefully.
She is a beauty. Really nice representation of casting also.

Yeah is dangerous book...... It has everything from the very first M4 to Israeli M-50/51s even a Chilean one (which apparently might be still in service!)
It has some dioramas with full water crossings....

Yeah, it's a great kit. The Cromwell seems to be up to the same standard so far, too. I'm going to try to limit myself to the early Sherman and the Firefly (maybe also the upgunned 76mm). There were so many variants that you could build them forever!
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