Airsoft ??

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
When i was a kid i had a gun that fired plastic balls.

I've just watched 12 grown men with replica assault rifles shoot 250 plastic balls at each other. Are they gay :confused:

How is this better than paint ball:confused:
they are more accurate and fire over larger distances

unless you have forked out some ridiculous sum for a gun, and even then paint ball guns are more aim in the general direction than actually aiming for someone

Are people who do paint-balling gay?
Paintball > Airsoft

Airsoft - "I hit you, NO you didn't, Yeaaa I did"

That all depends on where you play though. Admittadly it happens way too much.

I play Airsoft every week (generally 50 -100 people, not 12 :P) and can categorically say, airsoft is gay. 75% of the players i've met camp it up when out on the field. Something to do with a predominantly male environment. i suppose

People are only having a laugh though.

As for the pics of the guns, i'd rather have the the paintball gun than that pile of poo SA80. Haven't seen a decent one yet, G&G is supposed to be good but haven't got my hands on one yet.
I Airsoft every two weeks at the very least and I can tell you people who cheat and don't take hits are removed from the site and not welcomed back!

Airsoft > Paintball

Edit : Chronic Tank, I would not be happy if someone started to shoot pink paint all over me, my gun or my gear. That is why people don't use them.

They're also $30 for 1000 when I get 3000 normal bbs for £6 at my site and you can get better than that online.
So whats the best airsoft gun to get a G&G speak English bender :O

There is no best gun, it's like anything it's personal preference mixed in with functional requirements.... you moody little *****.

As for the SA80 i'm not sure why TM didn't have a go. I guess because TM serve the Jap market and they aren't very popular over there. A few have tried though, G&G, AA, Star (they were literally a steaming pile of turd). From what i hear the G&G is the best. Ares (who used to make all of Stars guns) have made the AFV (some basardised carbine of the SA80) but i think they both are bloody ugly.

Any marking ammo is pretty silly atm. It leaves residue on your mags, gunks them up and makes them useless after a few rounds. If you had paintball-eqsue ones which only released on impact they'd warp in the air and not fly very well and anyone wearing mesh/goggles is fubared.
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Tbh the sites I've played at are very tough on those who dont take hits, as Skully says, kicked out and banned.
I've only had one instance of someone not taking their hits, and it was remedied by the marshalls very quickly.

On a side note, Skully, is your location correct?
How is this better than paint ball:confused:

It isnt. ;)

EDIT - To be honest theres no point arguing which is better, as the argument has gone on between paintballers and lolsofters for a very very long time now. Both have good and bad points about them ;)

This is why I play paintball.

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Airsoft all the time.

The guns fire accurately, have sights, you can use a realistic setup which you want (not just stuck with one kind of gun), the ammo is cheaper and the honour system works.

In paintball I used to see people wiping paintballs off or saying "it was from last game", you never get that in airsoft, it's hands up and walk off.

Plus the guns are in a completely different league to some crappy £5 piece of rubbish you had as a kid.
Airsoft > Paintball

Edit : Chronic Tank, I would not be happy if someone started to shoot pink paint all over me, my gun or my gear. That is why people don't use them.

Personally I wouldnt be bothered if some muppet decided to use paint BB's as chances are they are going to burst in the barrel before splatting paint over me. Ive not been softing for ages and made the mistake of selling most of my kit which is awful difficult to re-purchase since the VCR bill arrived as Im currently not a member of any local sites.
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