Airsoft ??



Aimpoint replica and mount arrived earlier, not sure where I'm going to mount it on the rail but I think more towards the front.
Been lurking I'm this thread for a while now. Some brilliant looking guns! Been looking for a new hobby to get into, airsoft does interest me. Few quick searches and the sites around me are pretty poor most just open fields with few things thrown in. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places. Can someone tell me how much Airsoft is to get into? For example how much would I expect to pay for certain guns, pistols etc.
Hey zMarkon. I suggest you find a site that has a game day, where you turn up in the morning and play all day with objective based games. You'll have to hire a gun the first 3 times you go then you can apply for UKARA and get a RIF (real immitation firearm).

I suggest you get a G&G based AEG first, they cost from £120 to £190. Where abouts are you from, let's see if we can find a good game site close to you.
Yea I have read about applying for my UKARA. From Northern Ireland, Belfast. Found a few sites but I'm not really sure where to look for forums etc.
Been lurking I'm this thread for a while now. Some brilliant looking guns! Been looking for a new hobby to get into, airsoft does interest me. Few quick searches and the sites around me are pretty poor most just open fields with few things thrown in. Unless I'm looking in the wrong places. Can someone tell me how much Airsoft is to get into? For example how much would I expect to pay for certain guns, pistols etc.

I suggest you get a G&G based AEG first, they cost from £120 to £190. Where abouts are you from, let's see if we can find a good game site close to you.


Probably best to hire some guns first to see what you like the feel of. And G&G are probably the best brand of AEG in that price bracket. Built solidly and very reliable.
Found a really good place near me called Trigger Happy Belfast. They have few videos on YouTube with a GoPro mounted. The sites looks awesome and looks like they have a good selection of equipment. Only problem is I don't see them registered on the UKARA website so I wouldn't be able to get mine from there. Also I heard it takes 2 months to get?
Also even if they aren't UKARA registered as long as you can join them as a member and they can be contacted by phone to confirm then some retailers will accept that as proof, I bought my AK that way and I've still not been added to the database yet, sent my form off 3 weeks ago.
Whats peoples feedback on AEG vs GAS. Do all sites allow both? What are the positives and negatives to both? Which is more popular and why?
Gas has fast trigger response but apart from that it's pretty much inferior to electricity, for rifles, pistols are different as the batteries they can hold are small and they don't have blowback.

Drawbacks to gas are: Not good in cold weather, your shots will lose power as you empty more and more of the gas, this is also true with batteries but not in the same way and they last a lot longer. Limited capacity, after a mag or two you're going to need to refill it and you can't exactly carry a can of gas around with you.

Gas rifles are nice in that they give a bit more realism and a light recoil but again you have the issue of magazine capacity and cold weather performance. Not sure how reliable they are but I imagine there's a lot more room for error. Gas rifles are also expensive.

Most people use AEG rifles and have a backup GBB pistol. As far as sites are concerned I can't see why a site would choose to ban either.
My local site doesn't allow C02 pistols (but allows green gas), so that may be something to look out for.

e: as C02 is banned as it is a lot more powerful, and somewhat unpredictable in terms of FPS compared to green gas (which is the standard gas for airsoft)
I was going to mention that, CO2 pistols often shoot at a higher fps than Green/regular gas pistols and also function better in cold weather but most are probably over the fps limit of most sites. Don't see why they'd need to be banned if they weren't shooting hot however.
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