Airsoft ??

Luckily my local airsoft place has their own shop in the city. so yeh they'll get to know me soon enough, first game this sunday. Wonder if i can convince him to sell to me after 1 game :D
Combat Action Games by any chance?

Haven't been in their shop for a long time, seemed quite good from what I remember. I think they've just refurbished it too. Haven't been to their game site yet despite it being the closest one to me by some margin - I always end up going down to Thetford or Tuddenham with other people!
New WE 1911:

Whats the deal with selling 2nd hand stuff these days? I used to play a while ago but I have been out the loop for some time. I used to just trade locally with other local players at game days.

An excellent question! Used to be a regular on UKAZ (knowing the people that set it up long ago), but it appears to be almost uninhabited now.

Looking to sell a bunch of tactical kit and a few RIFs.

Please tell me that the answer isn’t FaceBook?
why does that pic look familiar.......

Indeed, only gone and ordered an stti mk23 as well.

That's a very unique weapon to fire first time! Very nice.

Took a long time to decide on it. Basically went through all guns weighing up the pro's and cons.
Every rifle has it's faults, so just had to find one with the least.

Also got three mid caps coming that are so hard to find, a pro win hop. Mad bull blue bucking and an acp alloy front grip plus the necessary suppressor rail adaptor to fit it.
Oh and a russian rifle sling, turns out you can't just use any without much hassle.

Isn't it, it's even better holding it's just so solid.
Most rifle stocks I don't get on with, especially m4's I think it's because I'm stocky, so my head has to move further across to sight if that makes sense. But this one is slimmer so just right for me.

I won't lie, I was dead worried buying blind.
Took a long time to decide on it. Basically went through all guns weighing up the pro's and cons.
Every rifle has it's faults, so just had to find one with the least.

Also got three mid caps coming that are so hard to find, a pro win hop. Mad bull blue bucking and an acp alloy front grip plus the necessary suppressor rail adaptor to fit it.
Oh and a russian rifle sling, turns out you can't just use any without much hassle.

you're preaching to the converted mate, my first gun was a g&g f2000, it's nice to see things on the field that isn't just another bloody m4 with a slightly different looking rail system.
you're preaching to the converted mate, my first gun was a g&g f2000, it's nice to see things on the field that isn't just another bloody m4 with a slightly different looking rail system.

F2000 nice submarine ;)
First went aug, but didn't like the trigger assembly.
As for the vector most of it is proprietary, so not much room to upgrade.
That only really left me with the M4, no chance ad there's too many out there, and I didn't get on with my cm16 raider rental good as it is.
Can't wait to show it off, really hope it shoots like a laser when dialed in.
I know some use it in anti sniper builds which i love that idea.
Only gripe is the cycle is slow, full auto is fine but no spamming on semi so I'll be looking at a gate titan and a decent hi torque motor In the future.
F2000 nice submarine ;)

i prefer tactical tuna, although nobody on the receiving end of it laughs.... :P

First went aug, but didn't like the trigger assembly.
As for the vector most of it is proprietary, so not much room to upgrade.
That only really left me with the M4, no chance ad there's too many out there, and I didn't get on with my cm16 raider rental good as it is.
Can't wait to show it off, really hope it shoots like a laser when dialed in.
I know some use it in anti sniper builds which i love that idea.
Only gripe is the cycle is slow, full auto is fine but no spamming on semi so I'll be looking at a gate titan and a decent hi torque motor In the future.

counter sniper does sound good, i must admit i want me a gbb dragonuv at some point because, well, do i need a reason?

check out the asg cnc range of motors, although be warned the 40k one on 11.1v will eat your gearbox (dont ask how i know that....)
Tactical tuna haha love it :D

Will do, already spoken to kingdom of airsoft and a titan is £170 fitted and supplied.

Gears you say well I was looking at titanium....

Dragunov is gorgeous, came close to buying the Vss just for that stock.
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Tactical tuna haha love it :D

Wil do, already spoken to kingdom of airsoft and a titan is £170 fitted and supplied.

Gears you say well I was looking at titanium....

Dragonuv is gorgeous, came close to buying the Vss just for that stock.

how much you planning on spending on this thing? might be as well getting a polarstar at this rate :P
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