Bit rich of you like Cleeecooo, giving all the problems you have with seemingly basic things, such as removing the little cover off a CPU block.
Bit rich of you like Cleeecooo, giving all the problems you have with seemingly basic things, such as removing the little cover off a CPU block.
I'm sure he can manage to create a thread in GD
EDIT: and i just saw your sig. brilliant
He never did tell me what his hands polling rate was.
hand polling rate?
Bit rich of you like Cleeecooo, giving all the problems you have with seemingly basic things, such as removing the little cover off a CPU block.
So are you fixin my graphics card or not?
I HATE FIREFOX, it doesnt have a spell checker, and im using my brothers phenom x4 laptop.
They teach spelling in school - you should pay more attention
I would kinda like some time in witch i can decide weather i can afford the postage!
i still ave no cluw on whats happening with that guy on flee-bay annd right now i could afford to buy a phenom 720 or a 955, but after that in line there is a subwoofer replacement @ £22 and then on top of thaat i have to think about weeather i can afford it.
I HATE FIREFOX, it doesnt have a spell checker, and im using my brothers phenom x4 laptop.
dont blame firefox lol
hey Cleee started the build yet?
i do, im dyslexic though :/
and i may buy a 955, but the thing is if i get one and then i find out im getting a zosma chip sent to me then i have to sell one, and for my budget a 720 from the clearance lines would probably be better, as a 955 would leeve me with -£5 and a 720 doesn't lack much performance, but... is it the 955 worth the extra £25 ?
okay, but i may have to wait another 2 weeks to get the processors and youre gpu :L
fine by me