stulid, I estimate that ZZZAC has wasted £600 on his 'computer' so far. What can you spec up for that kind of money today?
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That is all - if he save up his money and didn't buy any of the crap he would have gotten this back in April/May.
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wow, thats a nice rig, and i'd kill a rabbit to get one of those but zacc made a choice and took the other path, we cant force him into buying things just reccomending him to buy this and that, but even then its still his choice,
but one thing you do need to nite is that buying a lot of things at once i.e: a new rig, sounds a lot more expensive than buying the parts gradually over time, and even though you spend the exact same as buying all together it feels a lot cheeper,and like it costs less money
I'm not advising you buy anything, an Xbox 360 however seems to be suited to you.
I think it's the fact he just throws money away without any thought that annoys me. I think it's been about 7 months since I first asked for a spec ( Stulid spec'd it I think) that was with a part tome job every day after school (£75 a week tho ) but I had to keep waiting because every time I came close something would pop up (Driving lessons/New tv because I broke the family one, like a ninja I might add). Then there's Zzzac who just throws money at junk hoping it will combine to make a transformer or something.
Sorry about the layout/grammar in this post im on my ipod