Having recently managed to get couple years old second hand K702s and then buying also K712 to go along with my DT990 thought would be good to make some comparison on how they work with binaural sound.
(+ my tape keeping pieces from falling HD595 Sennheiser)
So after about ten hours spent in comparing them two with various binaural sound game videos (for proper repeatability) of mostly FPS games results are these.
But first quick intro for those who've spent their time looking gaming branded Chinese trinket marketing and listening bad excuse of sound:
DT990 is Beyerdynamic's three decades old take on open big soundstage headphone, with fun very good for open headphone bass impact.
K702 is detachable cable version of AKG's fair decade old K701, aimed at highly analytical sound with big soundstage and neutral bass.
K712 is few years old model aimed at DT990 like more "balanced"/fun sound adding above neutral punching fun bass to K700 line.
Bass neutral highly analytical sound combined to really big soundstage with lots of separation makes these "wall hack" for distinguishing foot steps, gunshots and such sounds about what other players are doing.
(while very good HD595 falls clearly behind in soundstage)
Downside is compromising in "fun factor".
Bass is there and actually goes pretty low if you listen for it, but it always takes the back seat to details and just doesn't punch much, unless really asked by source signal.
(though going deeper than in HD595)
If you want the highest level of competitiveness with their current pricing these are steal.
Difference feels to come mostly from that fan bass:
When ever there are lower frequency sounds present foot steps and such are simply not so obvious.
That some compromising in competitiveness gives lot back in "fun factor".
Instead of being "shy"/taking always back seat bass is overall well present giving good immersion and punch.
Overal excellent balancing for gaming with very good immersion/fun, without giving up that much from competitiveness.
(about level of HD595)
Likely because more "intimate" soundstage and flatter response between 1-4 kHz occasional sound felt easier to distinguish than with K712.
So overal not up to K712 level, but it still does very well with its notch smaller soundstage.
Also fun factor is definitely its strength.
While K712 should reach lower, DT990 feels to have little more bass impact.
With difference likely coming from K712 having more mids and bigger more airy soundstage.
Despite of its age very well balanced and excellent for fun gaming, while doing also very well in competitive gaming.
Especially Pro version gives lots of "bang per buck", with some possible inconveniencies from differences to Premium.
AKGs have more firmer feeling bads and at first gave clearly more feel of wearing them, but now with more time using don't really notice them anymore.
Though with its very soft pads DT990 Premium still has some edge.
Also Beyer's head band with very good manual adjusting is likely better for more peculiar head shapes/sizes.
AKG's headband with its "automatic" adjusting also relies on some pressure to keep cups positioned.
DT990 Pro meant for studio has coiled cable, which can cause some inconvenience/need for extension cable if headphone output isn't near you.
(though not that 3m long straight cable is always easy)
Also it has more clamping force than Premium, so for longer listening comfort likely isn't as good. Though with steel inside head band it shouldn't mind if you bent it little.
(+ my tape keeping pieces from falling HD595 Sennheiser)
So after about ten hours spent in comparing them two with various binaural sound game videos (for proper repeatability) of mostly FPS games results are these.
But first quick intro for those who've spent their time looking gaming branded Chinese trinket marketing and listening bad excuse of sound:
DT990 is Beyerdynamic's three decades old take on open big soundstage headphone, with fun very good for open headphone bass impact.
K702 is detachable cable version of AKG's fair decade old K701, aimed at highly analytical sound with big soundstage and neutral bass.
K712 is few years old model aimed at DT990 like more "balanced"/fun sound adding above neutral punching fun bass to K700 line.
AKG K701/702:
Hands down the winner for competitiviness.Bass neutral highly analytical sound combined to really big soundstage with lots of separation makes these "wall hack" for distinguishing foot steps, gunshots and such sounds about what other players are doing.
(while very good HD595 falls clearly behind in soundstage)
Downside is compromising in "fun factor".
Bass is there and actually goes pretty low if you listen for it, but it always takes the back seat to details and just doesn't punch much, unless really asked by source signal.
(though going deeper than in HD595)
If you want the highest level of competitiveness with their current pricing these are steal.
AKG K712:
Soundstage feels overal very similar to K702 with huge size and lots of separation.Difference feels to come mostly from that fan bass:
When ever there are lower frequency sounds present foot steps and such are simply not so obvious.
That some compromising in competitiveness gives lot back in "fun factor".
Instead of being "shy"/taking always back seat bass is overall well present giving good immersion and punch.
Overal excellent balancing for gaming with very good immersion/fun, without giving up that much from competitiveness.
Beyerdynamic DT990:
Soundstage is big with good separation, but simply step behind from AKG huge.(about level of HD595)
Likely because more "intimate" soundstage and flatter response between 1-4 kHz occasional sound felt easier to distinguish than with K712.
So overal not up to K712 level, but it still does very well with its notch smaller soundstage.
Also fun factor is definitely its strength.
While K712 should reach lower, DT990 feels to have little more bass impact.
With difference likely coming from K712 having more mids and bigger more airy soundstage.
Despite of its age very well balanced and excellent for fun gaming, while doing also very well in competitive gaming.
Especially Pro version gives lots of "bang per buck", with some possible inconveniencies from differences to Premium.
Overall all three are fit for hours and hours of continuous use.AKGs have more firmer feeling bads and at first gave clearly more feel of wearing them, but now with more time using don't really notice them anymore.
Though with its very soft pads DT990 Premium still has some edge.
Also Beyer's head band with very good manual adjusting is likely better for more peculiar head shapes/sizes.
AKG's headband with its "automatic" adjusting also relies on some pressure to keep cups positioned.
DT990 Pro meant for studio has coiled cable, which can cause some inconvenience/need for extension cable if headphone output isn't near you.
(though not that 3m long straight cable is always easy)
Also it has more clamping force than Premium, so for longer listening comfort likely isn't as good. Though with steel inside head band it shouldn't mind if you bent it little.