Alex Jones..

'he just said some words people got offended by' is such an unbelievably disingenuous take
But how else could they understand such a complex situation like this? Some people get confused and can't understand the complexities of a court case so need to bring it down to a super super simple way of thinking to allow them to understand it, and add to that, they want to play victim too. "us whites are under attack" "my poor Alex Jones can't be bad, it has to be others are out to wrongfully get him"

It's how they cope. What's odd is their willing to admit they struggle with reality and have these coping mechanisms.
But how else could they understand such a complex situation like this? Some people get confused and can't understand the complexities of a court case so need to bring it down to a super super simple way of thinking to allow them to understand it, and add to that, they want to play victim too. "us whites are under attack" "my poor Alex Jones can't be bad, it has to be others are out to wrongfully get him"

It's how they cope. What's odd is their willing to admit they struggle with reality and have these coping mechanisms.
Are you having a stroke or something? Alex Jones is a bona fide headcase and snake oil salesman and I can't stand the ****. But, like I said, all he did is say something that others got offended by. He said a school shooting was a government conspiracy and used actors. Lots of people said similar things about 9/11, and yet I can't remember any of them being dragged before the courts and fined such ridiculous amounts of money.
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But, like I said, all he did is say something that others got offended by.

The thing is, a few years ago you may be allowed to be willfully ignorant, but now you're just making yourself look bad. We can't spell it out for you what Alex did, as its so plainly clear to see now that the court case has finalised. There is thousands of pages and videos online that will explain it all. However, you ignore that to be able to simplify it to something unrecognisable.

Maybe you should tell the judge that it was just some words, just a prank brah and they'll let him go freely.

Imagine being behind a keyboard/mobile, and thinking you know more about what hapoened then the judge and jury of the case.

And imagine to publically announce your failings here. Aren't you embarrassed to share your ignorance?
Sandy Hook families asked a Connecticut judge to order Alex Jones to pay $2.75 trillion in damages in addition to the almost $1 billion a jury awarded for defamation, claiming only “the highest possible punitive damages,” will stop the Infowars host from continuing to harm them.

Sounds fair lol....
What a joke
Jury asks judge to order AJ to pay $2.75 trillion. Lolz

Should have asked for eleventy-gillion dollars. Make it reasonable.
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Are you having a stroke or something? Alex Jones is a bona fide headcase and snake oil salesman and I can't stand the ****. But, like I said, all he did is say something that others got offended by. He said a school shooting was a government conspiracy and used actors. Lots of people said similar things about 9/11, and yet I can't remember any of them being dragged before the courts and fined such ridiculous amounts of money.

No he didnt. He made a shed load of money by encouraging mentally ill people to harass grieving parents.
Are you having a stroke or something? Alex Jones is a bona fide headcase and snake oil salesman and I can't stand the ****. But, like I said, all he did is say something that others got offended by. He said a school shooting was a government conspiracy and used actors. Lots of people said similar things about 9/11, and yet I can't remember any of them being dragged before the courts and fined such ridiculous amounts of money.

It wasn't just a case of some people being offended.

Alex Jones promoted a vicious lie, in defiance of evident facts.

He made money from those lies.

Those parents' children were murdered and he libelled them. His lies led directly to the grieving parents being harassed and threatened.

It's been through the courts and they have found against him.

No amount of money is going to bring their kids back, but the award means other liars can be discouraged from lying.

This is a good thing.
No amount of money is going to bring their kids back, but the award means other liars can be discouraged from lying
Not just that. The parents will still continue to get harrased after this by Alex Jones fans, because of what Alex Jones previously said but also continues to.

He doesn't show remorse, he continues to tell his people he was wronged, deep state etc.
It would appear that the UK also suffers from these people that deny terror attacks is happened to a larger extent than I'd realised/hoped.

If I were a victim of terror attack and some window licker thought it didn't happen then decided it would be rational to harass me over it... Not sure I could control or care to control a sudden bout of violent rage.
$2.75trillion for just saying words that some people got offended by? The US has to be the dumbest country on the planet.
Look what happened to Johnny Depp when his ex spouted lies about him. How damaging was that.

This is on a new level of stupidity, and bare faced lies.

Alex Jones should be behind bars until he's paid a set amount of money, then a percentage of any future earnings.
Sounds fair lol....
What a joke

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It would appear that the UK also suffers from these people that deny terror attacks is happened to a larger extent than I'd realised/hoped.

Somebody on my Timeline posted that the Ukraine/Russia war is all setup and on the News we are watching CGI and paid actors. I asked her to verify if that is what she believed and she confirmed it.
I think that's a new level of stupidity.
I see Plas is still unable to show which side he would vote for, while blatantly showing which side he votes for.

Any chance you might tell us now Plas, would you vote for Biden or trump (we already know and always knew the answer, it was just tos ee you squirm as you try to avoid admitting it)
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