Alex Jones..

Manchester bombing? One is dead and his brother is in prison and got the longest minimum term life sentence ever imposed.
I swear the people that tend to complain about things like prison sentences usually have no clue about what they're complaining about, given the number of times I've seen people who clearly haven't understood anything about sentencing or why specific charge hasn't been used (usually because the crime didn't fall inside the legal definition required).
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I was watching Asmongold playing this the other day.

It looked quite good, a retro-style platformer.

I think AJ as become a cult icon whether people like him or not.

I always feel sorry for the woman on the One Show of the same name.
the woman on the One Show of the same name
GFY energy in full swing
more like "no you're a smelly monster" energy imo. maybe you didn't realise the advertisers told him to GFY first?

i look forward to the GFY energy when a judge rules that allowing alex jones back on twitter means twitter is liable too for the latest alex jones comments.
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The media are promoting a lie about the reason he was originally banned from Twitter/X.

He was banned because he confronted CNN officials outside a Congress meeting about online censorship, not for his comments about Sandy Hook.

The video he got banned for as also been reinstated.
The media are promoting a lie about the reason he was originally banned from Twitter/X.

He was banned because he confronted CNN officials outside a Congress meeting about online censorship, not for his comments about Sandy Hook.

The video he got banned for as also been reinstated.
oUr HeRo
The media are promoting a lie about the reason he was originally banned from Twitter/X.

He was banned because he confronted CNN officials outside a Congress meeting about online censorship, not for his comments about Sandy Hook.

The video he got banned for as also been reinstated.
I've got two words (or three letters) for those dirty, dirty, smear merchants.

You're better than this strawman hidden as a joke my dude.
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Caught the last 10 minutes of the Twitter Spaces with Alex Jones. Good to see he's unbanned, he's been apologising for the Sandy Hook thing for about 4 years. Like I've said previously, the person who actually did the shooting has got less hate than Alex Jones.
Caught the last 10 minutes of the Twitter Spaces with Alex Jones. Good to see he's unbanned, he's been apologising for the Sandy Hook thing for about 4 years. Like I've said previously, the person who actually did the shooting has got less hate than Alex Jones.
lol he's been "apologising" whilst the court cases were ongoing, up until then he was quite happy to send his rapid and stupid fans and rubes to harass the families of dead children as long as they kept buying his junk "wellness" products, prepper fodder and subbing to him.

He's shown zero remorse or understanding of what he spent years putting those families through, only a pity party for himself once they started to take him to court and it started to look like juries really didn't appreciate his special money making brand of constant harassment against people who lost primary school children.
Lol OK sure. You'll back this up with facts right? Not just made up fantasy to fit the narrative you're pushing, but you can back that up now. Happy to wait.
I suspect that Jones may have gotten more ongoing vocal hate but only because he was actively harming the grieving families on a daily basis, whilst the killer killed himself 11 years ago.

They are both utter scum, but one has been dead for over a decade and the other has very deliberately continued his campaign of profitable harassment pretty much every day. It takes a special type of scum to murder kids, but another special kind of scum to set out to profit from that by continuing to hurt the relatives of those kids.
What's nuts is that I actually genuinely don't believe Alex Jones believes the stuff he says. He knows his audience, he panders to them, tells them what they want to hear, comforts them by making them fearful all the time. But this guy is so rich. Like why go down the path to such an extreme amount. Was he just so sure of himself, sure of his past successes that he felt invincible. He must have been told at times to drop the sandy hook stuff, he's had enough success else where, what has he got to gain. Even if he believed it to be true (and something trump didn't expose whole president), then what has he got to gain by pushing it.

It's so weird that not only did his antics continue for so long but it led to so much success for him.

Thankfully for farage it's not been as successful. He had his moment but I don't feel the UK would be taken in in the same was as America has by someone like Jones.
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