It's concerning that you're equating a literal child killer to someone who runs a conspiracy theory show and said something wrong and then later apologised for it. It isn't like he said this one thing directed at them, he's spoke about countless conspiracies, some of them actually turned out to be correct.
I'm explaining why people will think and refer to Jones a lot more than the killer.
Jones literally made it his business to be in the public eye spewing his nonsense and harassing the parents and relatives of the dead every day on his show for personal profit, so people are reminded of his special kind of loathsomeness on a regular basis, the killer on the other hand has rightly had his name largely forgotten even if we haven't forgotten what he did.
It's the difference between you constantly stubbing your toe on a daily basis for years, and the fading memory of a broken leg a decade ago.
I'd rate the killer a solid 9 out of ten on the loathsome scale, but i'm not reminded about him on a regular basis, on the other hand Alex jones has been a constant scum for decades coming up with new and unpleasant ways to grift and doing it with the full knowledge that it's fake and that it is actively causing harm.
A hundred year ago before the FDA Jones would have been going around hawking bottles of sugar water as miracle cures to people with dying children* or if not selling fake "cures" then rousing the local mob to go and lynch an oap for being a witch who has caused a cows milk to dry up or some disabled person for the disappearance of a child.
And lol "some of the countless conspiracies have turned out to be correct", how many?
I mean he's like (a dollar store) Nostradamus in some ways, he spews out so much often vague nonsense it would be a wonder if at least one or two of his hundreds didn't turn out, purely by chance to have a grain of truth, but that's a byproduct of throwing so much fecal matter out that some of it accidentally turns out to stick.That's not someone "speaking the truth" that's someone lying and spouting so much nonsense that he's bound to get at least one hit in a while.
I mean I can throw a £50 note randomly on the table at roullette and win once if I do it often enough, but it doesn't mean i'm an expert player, had any idea of what I was doing or can repeat it.
*He is actually doing the modern equivalent version of that to the hard of thinking with his various "supplements" that when you look at them are often containing the very things he'll go on an hour long rant about the government using to control the people/make men less manly (IIRC he does massive rants about soy like many of his right wing grifter ilk, then sells supplements that have large amounts of it in and his rubes are too stupid to read the ingredient list of the "anti soy" supplement they've just bought).