Alien: Rogue Incursion

Mixed reviews.

+ captures the feel of an alien movie
+ some epic moments / easter eggs

- feels like a flat screen pc game that's been converted to vr.
-alien ai is basic.
- predictable timing on waves of aliens.
- lots of bugs

I'll probably hold for the meta version for things to iron out.
Puki, has been years. I didn't know you played VR.
I'm really tempted to get this game, with mixed reviews is it worth the money?

I'd wait. Looks like they are patching the game and taking on feedback based on their recent twitter post.

The quest / crossplay version is out in a month. I plan to pick it up then.
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I'd wait. Looks like they are patching the game and taking on feedback based on their recent twitter post.

The quest / crossplay version is out in a month. I plan to pick it up then.
It has multiplayer? The trailer just makes it seem like a single player campaign.
This game has a ton of potential. I think all they really need to do is

1. Fix the performance. It's way too demanding at the moment.
2. Randomise the Alien encounters. I've only played the first few sections but after a while you realise an Alien pops up every 3 minutes on the dot, so it just becomes predictable and therefore annoying.
3. Fix the over weighty, floaty weapon feel

If they can do just these few simple things it's a winner.
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This game has a ton of potential. I think all they really need to do is

1. Fix the performance. It's way too demanding at the moment.
2. Randomise the Alien encounters. I've only played the first few sections but after a while you realise an Alien pops up every 3 minutes on the dot, so it just becomes predictable and therefore annoying.
3. Fix the over weighty, floaty weapon feel

If they can do just these few simple things it's a winner.

That or wait for the community to fix these via mods.
This game has a ton of potential. I think all they really need to do is

1. Fix the performance. It's way too demanding at the moment.
2. Randomise the Alien encounters. I've only played the first few sections but after a while you realise an Alien pops up every 3 minutes on the dot, so it just becomes predictable and therefore annoying.
3. Fix the over weighty, floaty weapon feel

If they can do just these few simple things it's a winner.

The thing they seem to have got wrong is that in horror games, even action horror, pacing is everything.

Alien Isolation gets this right, as the alien is unpredictable and goes away for long periods.

The anticipation of an encounter is often more scary than the actual encounter.

If the aliens are too frequent then there's no build up of tension.

Ironically one of the things Alien Isolation gets wrong are the Working Joes as they are just too frequent and are annoying to deal with.
Oh well. I'll wait for them to sort the spawn rate and then buy it on Steam

Yes, seems like they sorted that out on Quest, which was one of the games biggest gameplay issues.

Edit: This has been done for PC too:
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Makes no sense to have a meta 3 standalone only version. Like they could make easy money selling it on the pcvr meta store as well.
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