Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

5 Apr 2004
Update 2023: decided to bump this thread and share my insights after 17 years, see page 9, post ~168:

Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video **Updated - 20:30 16/12/06 +new video**

Does anyone else remember reading that BBC article back in May 2006 which said UFOs can all be explained by natural phenomena? Well I've unsurprisingly discovered loads of videos on Google Video and YouTube which show UFOs and many of them aren't convincing. But in the process of viewing them I found several videos which are extremely convincing so now I actually believe that aliens exist and that the US military industrial complex is covering it up.

I remember a few weeks back some guy posting about ufos or aliens - I don't quite remember - and being ridiculed on these boards for what he thought. So I'm posting the links to these videos so people can see for themselves and make up their own minds.

I'll rate all the videos and give a very brief summary. The videos are quite long and perhaps many of you have watched some of them already - I don't know. Therefore, I just want to say to anyone reading this post that if this thread gets a lot of attention I fully expect the majority of the initial responses to be uninformed to say the least. Anyway...

Compilation of UFOs and Testimony - 23 May 2006 - (7/10) - This video [1hr 37 minutes] shows a history and a lot of UFO footage some of which may be fake and some which probably isn't. It has pretty dodgey music at times but the ending is really good with a nice overview of Roswell and some credible people talking about their experiences.

CSETI - Disclosure Project Introduction (10/10) - This video [15 minutes] is quite old but a really good introduction to the Disclosure Project which held a press conference in 2001. It's also shorter than most of these videos so would be a good place to start unless you want to see loads of UFOs caught on camera - in which case my first video would be the place to start.

Disclosure Press Conference 2001 (10/10) - This video [2 hours] is the full press conference of the Disclosure Project where around 20 witnesses from the military etc. talk of their experience. Apparently it was later learned that the first hour of the live stream onto the internet was blocked by the NSA - this may or may not be true and isn't really important, what's important is the content.

Toronto exopolitics 09 May 2006 - (10/10) - This video [1 hr] is a nice 2006 update on the disclosure projects 2001 efforts. It also introduces a politician called Paul Hellyer who is a retired Canadian Defence Secretary. I advise that when watching this video you skip the parts with the bald guy who is directing the evening because he's incredibly annoying.

Paul Hellyer Interviewed 24th Feb 2006 (8/10) - This video [35 minutes] has a more in depth conversation with Paul Hellyer. He makes some good points about Roswell and the implications of the control freak military industrial complex which Eisenhower warned about and which apparently we live with. Again the women conducting the interview is very annoying so it's best to skip those parts and just listen to Hellyer speak.

NASA UFO's Part 1 - and commentary - Feb 2006 - (9/10) - This video [1hr 30min] is an interesting look at some very credible UFO footage from NASA video and satellites. It also has a guy explaining the videos which adds a nice depth to them. You'll notice this is part 1 but part 2 isn't really worth watching because it is far less objective and more speculative which as sceptics you might not be able to handle! But it doesn't detract from part 1 in my opinion which is excellent.

NASA UFOs STS-115 - 23-09-2006 (5/10) This video - [20 minutes] including funky music is quite poor in terms of proving the existence of UFOs. However, again it is NASA footage and just shows that stuff is still happening as it is only a few months old. It's possible to believe these objects are UFOs or are debris but either way it's comedy gold listening to the astronauts talk about it and the explanations about them being camera reflections being made up live!

None of these videos or my beliefs involves abductees. I'm only looking for answers from credible sources. I don't think everything I have posted is interpreted correctly but I think some of it is evidence of alien presence and that has implications for our immediate future. You might say that this stuff has been going on for decades so what's so special about the present. But the answer is that with the popularity of video websites such as Google Video and YouTube this sort of highly sensitive material is finally being watched by millions of people. I don't know if anything significant is going to happen in the next 5 years or 10 years but I'm still interested in the truth and that is why I'm sharing what I have found with you all.


EDIT (20:30 16/12/06): I've found the best video yet. If what is presented is true then this documentary by the reputable Discovery Channel leaves me in absolutely no doubt. I encourage everyone to watch at least this video.

Discovery Channel - Majestic 12 - (10/10)

EDIT 2: (08/01/2007)
Also this documentary made by the History Channel presents evidence from Black box recordings et al.
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These threads crop up all the time and they're met with the same cynicism—and rightly so—as these 'encounters with UFO' theories are fuelled by people trying to become famous, by getting on TV and the radio for seeing a UFO etc, and they're usually full of conjecture, imaginative theories and eye witness statements from sources that aren't actually that credible.
Nice post, I've linked to some of those things in the past and firmly believe UFO's are real. As to what they actually are I'm still undecided but I do believe some of them are craft with ocupants.

I guess you will get the usual resposes however. Most people on here will tell you it's either all rubbish or experimental craft built by us. Those people ignore huge chunks of evidence that shows they are clearly taken seriously by the establishment and also the masses of documented and first hand evidence from credible witneses showing they are not our own militery's craft.

Just to add: Like the 9/11 conspicacy theories most of the UFO information out there is utter rubbish, however there is a hardcore of unxeplainable evidence that refuses to go away.
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I still believe that the likelyhood of life out there is far greater than say that of an all powerful god, but I don't necessarily think they are further along the evolutionary path so as to be able to space travel.

If they have, it's also likely that they haven't found us as yet.
edit: My original use of this space was to post another video but it was rubbish so I deleted it. Now I will use this space to respond to the post above.

I think that if we assume life evolves in other places in the universe then it's most logical to assume the stage of evolution of life distributed throughout the universe produces a normal distribution. A normal distribution is common for natural measurements such as height - there are some very small people, some very large but most fall between the 25th and 75th percentile.

So at the lower end will be planets or moons with single celled organisms and at the upper end - who knows! But considering my physics teacher said there's nothing special about our sun or our galaxy then to me it is most logical to assume there is nothing special about us. Therefore there is a high probability that we fall near the average of the distribution in my mind.
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krooton said:
I still believe that the likelyhood of life out there is far greater than say that of an all powerful god, but I don't necessarily think they are further along the evolutionary path so as to be able to space travel.

If they have, it's also likely that they haven't found us as yet.

Very true but given how far Humans have come in the past 100 years I think an extra few 1000 could really, well i cant comprehend how technologicaly advanced we could be in that time span. THen the chances of that Civilization being around at the same time as our current one, the odds do start becoming fantiscaly unlikely.

I argue about this kind of stuff all the time when me and my mates are wrecked and it is really down to personal beleifs. As no ones going to prove either side worng or right, well ET could i spose :) but its fun to talk about
ritcH said:
NASA UFO's Part 1 - and commentary - Feb 2006 - (9/10) - This video [1hr 30min] is an interesting look at some very credible UFO footage from NASA video and satellites. It also has a guy explaining the videos which adds a nice depth to them. You'll notice this is part 1 but part 2 isn't really worth watching because it is far less objective and more speculative which as sceptics you might not be able to handle! But it doesn't detract from part 1 in my opinion which is excellent.

Just watching this one now, almost half way through, and if anyone can explain the footage of the objects making 80 degree turns in zero gravity, without hitting any physical object, I would love to hear it. Oh, and the object shooting from earth towards the atmosphere and then taking an incredibly calculated turn of trajectory at well over 100'000 mph over the horizon? No natural phenomenon can do that...

I'm by no means a UFO fanatic, although I do believe intelligent life (despite the invention of Big Brother), but footage like this is simply incredible... it cannot be explained by modern science, and when you consider that (despite our reasonably limited science) we KNOW the basic physics of almost every natural object in our solar system and how it interacts with our atmosphere, there is no way of satisfactorarily providing a credible explanation for the behavious of the objects in those videos.

The biggest thing for me after the pinpoint turns of those 'objects' was how many of the UFO's simply did not appear on the infra-red spectrum as heat-emitting objects... if they were comets, balls of gas, or balls of membrane covered water the radiation form the sun etc would heat them to the point where they would be clearly visible under the nfra-red spectrum. These things aren't... which means they are emitting no detectable heat source that one would expect from any previously viewed space phenomenon entering our atmosphere/passing by our satellites.

Go figure... :confused:
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ritcH said:

Skip to 36m 00s

That clip shows an object that appears to change direction. He also points out an object that enters the atmosphere and he calculates that the object is travelling at 900,000 MPH. BUT.. Look closely at the earth's surface and you'll see that the tape has been speeded up and slowed down again. So his calculations are absolutely incorrect, are they not? It's actually travelling a lot slower that that. Can anyone explain why this clip is speeded up at the end? :confused:
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Morlan said:
Skip to 36m 00s

That clip shows an object that appears to change direction. He also points out an object that enters the atmosphere and he calculates that the object is travelling at 900,000 MPH. BUT.. Look closely at the earth's surface and you'll see that the tape has been speeded up and slowed down again. So his calculations are absolutely incorrect, are they not? It's actually travelling a lot slower that that. Can anyone explain why this clip is speeded up at the end? :confused:

Ok, lets theorise that despite the speeding up, that it was going at a 'mere' 100'00 miles an hour... is that still not completely phenomenal considering our fastest space shuttles in zero gravity are ~35'000mph?

EDIT - And do you notce how the objects approaching earth change direction at the almost exact same time as the object coming from earth?
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Morlan said:
Skip to 36m 00s

That clip shows an object that appears to change direction. He also points out an object that enters the atmosphere and he calculates that the object is travelling at 900,000 MPH. BUT.. Look closely at the earth's surface and you'll see that the tape has been speeded up and slowed down again. So his calculations are absolutely incorrect, are they not? It's actually travelling a lot slower that that. Can anyone explain why this clip is speeded up at the end? :confused:
Can anyone explain how an object travelling at 900,000mph manages to not heat the atmosphere via compression such that every organic object visible to it isn't instantly fried by the IR radiation such an event would emit?
All those UFO's turning at right angles have already been proved to be dust specks inside the NASA craft.

I do hope you haven't linked to the other film where Earth is firing lasers at these UFO's like swatting flies.
dmpoole said:
All those UFO's turning at right angles have already been proved to be dust specks inside the NASA craft.

Got any links for that mate? Not sure how those objects could be inside NASA craft... have you seen the videos in question? The objects (especially the one comng form earth) are clearly (imo) miles away from any camera, though any proof to other effect is welcomed...:)
Richdog said:
Got any links for that mate? Not sure how those objects could be inside NASA craft... have you seen the videos in question? The objects (especially the one comng form earth) are clearly (imo) miles away from any camera, though any proof to other effect is welcomed...:)

Fraid not but I got it from one of the other million threads we've had on here about the same subject.
Richdog said:
Right so in other words... you have nothing. :)

Just check out the threads yourself.
I can't be bothered because its all crap and I'm not going over and over it again and again year after year.

Just ask yourself these simple questions -
Do I truly believe that there are 100's maybe 1000's of UFO's just outside our atmosphere that are flying around doing nothing but making right angled turns?

Do I believe that the military all over the world are firing lasers at these dangerous drivers to tell them to go away?

here you go - type nasa dust particles ufo into Google.
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dmpoole said:
Just check out the threads yourself.
I can't be bothered because its all crap and I'm not going over and over it again and again year after year.

Just ask yourself these simple questions -
Do I truly believe that there are 100's maybe 1000's of UFO's just outside our atmosphere that are flying around doing nothing but making right angled turns?

Do I believe that the military all over the world are firing lasers at these dangerous drivers to tell them to go away?

here you go - type nasa dust particles ufo into Google.

OK i googled it...

One clip shows an object skimming across the Earth's atmosphere in seconds and disappearing at the horizon indicating it flew around to the other side of the planet. Another shows "the Tether Incident" where a long NASA tether breaks loose , drifts about 80 miles from the shuttle and then gets swarmed by large flying discs with one disc in particular pulsating brightly. Some of the discs clearly flew BEHIND the tether indicating that they were NOT dust particles that were blurred on camera. Now there is a possibility that they were out-of-focus dust particles but when the discs go behind the tether they don't seem to bleed through the tether as if they were out of focus. Either they are blurred dust particles or massive mothership flying saucers. The footage is very intriguing
dmpoole said:
Do I truly believe that there are 100's maybe 1000's of UFO's just outside our atmosphere that are flying around doing nothing but making right angled turns?
Classic :D

It's lovely and romantic to believe there's little grey fellas zipping in and out of Earth's atmosphere but I struggle to believe any of it. Most UFO's have been blamed on weather phenomena, equipment malfunction and, of course, trickery.

Interesting section on the MOD web site displaying requests for information re UFO sightings..
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