Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

Richdog said:
Likewise. :cool:

So you really believe there are 1000's of aliens in UFO's and motherships above our atmosphere flying around doing wheelies and that our governments keep firing lasers at them to stop being naughty?
dmpoole said:
So you really believe there are 1000's of aliens in UFO's and motherships above our atmosphere flying around doing wheelies and that our governments keep firing lasers at them to stop being naughty?

yes .
ritcH said:
Check out 1hr18min in that video. There the dust particles are 2-3 miles in diameter!

Why does that remind me of the Father Ted sketch... Now concentrate this time, ritcH. These are very small; those are far away...
I believe in UFOs

Namely because I always see flying objects that i can't identify.

But I think there is life out there somewhere, just possibly not flying into our atmosphere. The US government probably have some sort of stealth flight craft that appears to some people as a UFO or flying saucer or whatever though imo...
Aliens exist, fact!


krooton said:
I still believe that the likelyhood of life out there is far greater than say that of an all powerful god, but I don't necessarily think they are further along the evolutionary path so as to be able to space travel.

If they have, it's also likely that they haven't found us as yet.

I read once that if these 'aliens' did exist they would be much more likely to be travellers in time than space. I think that makes sense.
For the sake of argument, let's say that aliens do exist in our galaxy.

The nearest star to us, apart from the sun, is Proxima Centauri which is over 4 light years away.

That's an immense distance, and you have to ask yourself the question, how and why have aliens come that far and then to simply peform right angle turns near to Earth?

Firstly, let's answer the question of how they could travel here. 4 light years is a massive distance, and even if, and this is a huge if, they have managed to travel at the speed of light, that is still 4 years of constant travel. That is also presuming they know exactly where we are, if they simply headed toward our solar system, it could take even longer to find the planet which has the humans on.

The chances are, they haven't developed light speed propulsion, so their journey time would be even larger.

This is all based on the tiny chance that Proxima Centauri even has planets surrounding it that can harbour life. Also based on the chance that this life is within the same evolutionary scale as us.

The question as to why they have come to Earth raises more unexplainable questions? If they have travelled to Earth at the speed of light, immediately we can draw from that that they are an extremely intelligent, sophisticated, and technologically advanced species. If these aliens wanted to make contact with Earth, the government would not be able to stop them. They wouldn't be able to be shooed into a bunker somewhere in Area 51 and told to shut up whilst we have a play with their spacecraft.

I think I read a passage by Steven Hawking a few years ago, who said, the odds of aliens being in our sky, whilst we are here, are one in millions, perhaps even billions.
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1)There is more money to be made by specialists and ex military types confirming the existence of UFOs etc.

2)Surely these aliens who have this advanced technology to actually get to us have better things to do than flying round every so often drawing crop circles and giving the odd person a probe following the effects of attending their mothership’s bar happy hour on Alpha Centuri Vodka.

3)Unless they live very close or can travel beyond the speed of light then by the time they saw our planet and travelled here it could be gone and vice versa.

4)Every repeating concept of ufos, aliens etc is something that is easily conceptualised/thought up by humans. Would this really be the case?

5)How would the military really manage to cover it up as well as they do. And why is it always in the USA and Area 51 etc. Its almost like a Hollywood blockbuster played out every so often. Heck the US military couldn’t even hit the right targets in Iraq, I would be impressed if they could down or control a UFO assuming the level of tech is as advanced as it would need to be.
iCraig said:
For the sake of argument, let's say that aliens do exist in our galaxy.

The nearest star to us, apart from the sun, is Proxima Centauri which is over 4 light years away.

That's an immense distance, and you have to ask yourself the question, how and why have aliens come that far and then to simply peform right angle turns near to Earth?

Firstly, let's answer the question of how they could travel here. 4 light years is a massive distance, and even if, and this is a huge if, they have managed to travel at the speed of light, that is still 4 years of constant travel. That is also presuming they know exactly where we are, if they simply headed toward our solar system, it could take even longer to find the planet which has the humans on.

The chances are, they haven't developed light speed propulsion, so their journey time would be even larger.

Hence why it would make an incredible amount of sense to have a base iwithin our solar system. ANd have you considered the worm-hole theor, which is scientifically valid? Or have you considered that we simply don't have the scientific knowledge (we were travelling around in horse and cart 100 years ago for gawds sake) to comprehend different methods of travel that are to us... impossible? I have no doubt that in 500 years humanity will be doing things that were before though impossible, just as we are now.

This is all based on the tiny chance that Proxima Centauri even has planets surrounding it that can harbour life. Also based on the chance that this life is within the same evolutionary scale as us.

Any alien civilsation that has been developing at an advanced rate for millenia obviously has a stonking infrastructure... and also likely has reached such a level that the are able to wotk as one unified mass and colonise planets unhindered, and have no natural predators, hence a very high population that is very capable of being supported by advanced technology.

If humanity found a nearby solar system that contained life we would study it and it would be one of the biggest scentfic discoveries ever... who's to say someone didn't find us after a long time of thinking they were the only intelligent life?
Richdog said:
The objects (especially the one comng form earth) are clearly (imo) miles away from any camera, though any proof to other effect is welcomed...:)
There is no point of reference so it's impossible to say how far, fast or large the objects are, or indeed their trajectory. This is a concept that frequently seems to confuse people that don't understand space and leads people to come up with conspiracy theories (such as with the moon landings).

When things in space make sudden right angle turns it is often easily explained that two objects collided (possibly one light reflective and the other not) which is what gives the UFO appearance.

The famous video of "planet earth shooting a missile at alien invaders" is just dust particles surrounding the space shuttle orbiter. Do you have any idea the amount of crap the space shuttle drags up with it in its wake after launch? All that crap just clouds around the orbiter until it changes its orbit. Even when they change orbit more crap is ejected from the retro rockets.

BTW: UFO != automatically mean we are talking about little green men. "UFO" is simply anything that cannot be identified in the sky/space.
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Well I just watched the 'live stream video' and tbh they were dust/debris particles, if not they were very disorganised/uncontrolled alien ships! :eek: :p

They look identical to fish scales seen in water if you are scuba diving and the astraunouts described what they looked like, "Oh he was making it up", not being funny but if he was making it up why didnt NASA just substitute the live feed for a previous one? It's not like anyone would notice.

I may watch the other videos if i get round to it but at the moment it just looks like people who want to "believe" are saying "government conspiracy!" because they are explaining the truth in something that looks slightly like alien ships.
The amount of work NASA does in attempt to find extraterrestrial life is immense. They've had 2 rovers on Mars for what 2 years now? They've been trolling around that planet non-stop in that time and have made some amazing discoveries - some very recently. NASA and the US tax payers are funding the biggest science project in mankind's history - all to find life. At least half a dozen probes are launched every year to go in search of life at other planets.

The thanks they get is few and far between. Then they get people making up crackpot theories that they've already found life and have known about it for years or even decades. Sorry it just grinds my gears a little bit :(
Is it my internet connection, or is google vids running reaaallly slow right now? Like, 2k-20k, or 20k-80k if you're lucky?
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