Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

iCraig said:
I guess it is possible, but I don't believe it is feasible.

Perhaps somewhere out there, two civilisations have met, due to being within a few light years of each other.

Maybe the human race is simply to far away from it's nearest neighbour to ever make contact. :(

Surely among all the billions of star systems out there there must be some that contain multiple inhabitable planets?
aardvark said:
look again - the clip isn't speeded up

Suppose that make more sense now.

Briton said:
Surely among all the billions of star systems out there there must be some that contain multiple inhabitable planets?

You need to keep off the wacky backy, mate.
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Briton said:
Surely among all the billions of star systems out there there must be some that contain multiple inhabitable planets?

Yes, that's what I'm saying. :)

iCraig said:
Perhaps somewhere out there, two civilisations have met, due to being within a few light years of each other.
iCraig said:
Yes, that's what I'm saying. :)

You used the example of civilisations being a few light years apart, it's theoretically possible that two or more could be much closer, within the same star system.
its only colossal human arrogance that assumes that we would be the only sentient life in the entire cosmos.

Most likely there are other species less advanced
Most likely there are other species more advanced. (unless of course you come to the conclusion that we must be the most advanced cuz we r human and da best)

What respectable alien :D would want to talk to us lot? (really)

In the grand scheme of things it doesnt really matter does it? Why does it matter? If it were concluded now 100% that aliens existed it wouldnt change anything...we would still be the crud of the universe.

We could learn from them? New technology perhaps? New cures for terminal diseases? Heck think how dangerous, volatile and reckless we are with current technology, its like giving a child a toy and watching it wreck their playpen and then the adult coming in...opening the door and handing a gun to the and play little one.....yes on you go. :rolleyes: :D
I like to think humans are in their teenage years right now. Some of us try to be ethical, compassionate and as inert as possible and some of us are disturbingly ignorant, short sighted and dangerous. We're all very confused and we're all susceptible to radical change; day-to-day.

I just hope that in my lifetime we become adults because I think I'm a mature teenager but I have very little choice on larger issues facing society, but I suppose that's the point - society isn't about the individual. Actually one of the reasons I like to believe aliens exist and visit Earth is because of the implications. They would have to be intellectually and technologically superior which means they would be far more capable than we are to destroy life. Therefore I think that if this is true, those same aliens must have, at some point in their history - when confined to their planet - successfully avoided self-destruction. At the moment, I personally think our little mess - little relative to the size of the universe - could result in destruction and as I wait for global politics to pan out into a model that is at least predictable all I can do is hope that the other, peaceful future, emerges.

But implications aside, the evidence clearly speaks for itself!
There is no such thing as a UFO. Everything has a reasonable explanation, as below

There is no doubt in my mind that the governmet have knowledge of extra terrestrial beings. Steven Greer now has over 500 ex members of the American Military. Lieut Col and higher, even the Ex Canadian Defence secretary is convinced by who he has spoken to and what he has researched.

I'm in no doubt the the American government is selected not elected. They are the frontmen, the faces.

Eisenhower Warns:

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.

The men behind MIC run the show...and they have there agenda.

Yes I wear a tin foil hat etc etc..
The Disclosure Project is very interesting and the DVD I saw of it a few years ago was quality viewing.

Its likely this universe isnt alone with it being a slice of many ;)

Im open to the fact they are here but with so much denial and the amount of secrecy regarding black projects its going to take something big to blow the lid.
I've seen more evidence for what is commonly believed to be intelligently controlled objects than against, but until theres some personal and/or world proof then its just left to possibility and i see more possibility for than against so far. :)
The person who claims there is no other life in the universe is just as puddled has the person who claims there are UFO's visiting Earth.
I think life will find a way wherever it can and I've no doubt there are gazillions of lifeforms out there but are they advanced enough to travel 100's of light years in a second?
I think not. A to B will always be that distance and no theory is going to make that distance smaller.
What I can't get over is that theres people in this thread that actually believe there are 100's of UFO's doing wheelies just outside our atmosphere and Governments are firing lasers at them.
I would also like to know if people think that the billions upon billions spent by NASA and SETI are just a whitewash to make the ordinary man think that we're still looking for aliens?
The other thing that makes me laugh is that some people will think the Earth will fall apart if a Government suddenly announced that they had got a UFO and a couple of aliens.
The world wouldn't fall apart and the reason they haven't announced it is because there are none.
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