Alienware's new gaming PC is pretty damn cool

Wow, bandwagon jumping.

Seriously? You cannot appreciate a case for being a case? And having nice features? No-one said you had to buy one, or even consider the cost of one. It's the same when you look at mods, do you think they would be cheap? All those hundreds of man hours going into it, that most of us have no time for?

It's a great well featured case TBH. Granted a little OTT, but then who gets noticed in PC World without being so. Lian Li have problems, granted most look nice, but not entirely. Some fo their range is pretty gash too, and don't get me started on Antec 300, 900s and 1200s. They aren't designed. It's a box with holes all over it. I think this case actually resembles some of Coolermasters range of cases. With a little more imagination. They stand out, and that's what you get. The vents are obviously a gimmick, but then, we are in the enthusiast PC market here, you cannot say you have never been excited by a gimmick or 17.

And the terms overpriced crap is a bit much. They use components we all use, so surely "overpriced awesome"? An i7 with 5870s is crap in whos book, people?

I am yet to find the perfect case myself, but there are some great design choices in this that I could actually see myself using in a case mod, as I'd myself never buy one, but I can see some great design choices in there. Good stuff!
Reminds me of the blackbird 002 from the way the door lifts off to the fact that the case has "zones" seperated by a shroud. Theyre even using the same cooler, have to say the hard drive layout looked pretty nifty though.
And the terms overpriced crap is a bit much. They use components we all use, so surely "overpriced awesome"? An i7 with 5870s is crap in whos book, people?
The case is crap/gimmicky, no need for motorised vents, just have vents open 24/7 :confused: and yes its components we all use but not the prices we pay for them :)

Lets make a flashy case with some gimmicks, stick high end hardware in there and charge twice the price you could build it for = crap
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Watercooling looks so much like a corsair H50 it either is one or they shop at the same factory.

It's still the best part of £1k for the case and alienware value addedness.
I bought an alienware 5 year ago and I gota say that it was the worst purchase I ever made. The case constantly filled with dust and seriously hard to clean. The most impressive was the wire management, unlike overclockers wire management (awful in comparison)

Alienwares tech support is terrible too, never get hold of an english speaking tech support agent and end up getting angry explainign several problems over and over again! Then saying, what!! Excuse me!! Eh!! Would have a better time speaking to a moose on an hotel reception desk.

Their new case does look nicer than the one I have stuck in the corner of my bedroom collecting more dust.
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Not having looked into cases for awhile, the alienware does have some nice features, like the harddrive section and the power supply, i wouldnt pay the price they would want though.
lol Alienware, overpriced!

Give me a £200+ unremarkable Lian-Li any day.

(yes, I'm being slightly sarcastic. Not sure how you can talk about Alienware being the only ones that are overpriced when Lian-Li cases cost hundreds)
Refrigerator lights inside the case :confused:

Right because when people work inside they clearly prefer to work in the dark for the extra challenge :p

I guess next Alienware will add a bell noise when your case is open, like the one in cars that tells you your door is open! :D
I posted on the first page a spec of what you would get with their new "top of the line" range and that was the cheapest with that case I could find. £1900 all together excluding shipping costs maybe? :(
Didnt they get a fine for overpriced goods severals years back?

lol Alienware, overpriced!

Give me a £200+ unremarkable Lian-Li any day.

(yes, I'm being slightly sarcastic. Not sure how you can talk about Alienware being the only ones that are overpriced when Lian-Li cases cost hundreds)

Go buy all that aluminium and get it fabricated yourself then come back and say that, plus the design, plus they last a hell of a long time rather than some cases.
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