Dont really use any of the forum accept the Photography one now. This is becasue of what Gibbo has pointed out. Not just the competitor links though. The PC section of the forum is full of nit picky, childish, my e-penis is bigger than yours, dont buy this buy that, etc comments. This is an issue that has been raised many a time before as well. In the end I just didnt post anymore, and that was for a long time. Another thing is the For Sale section. Have seen many posts there mentioning 'No offers yet' or 'No offers' and people still have the cheek to say 'I'll give you XXX amount for it'. Its just stupid, it really is. And on the photography section the '[insert competition name here] Discussion' is always ruined by stupid comments like single smilies, ******, etc,... there is more than just competitors to look at.
Just my two cents,...