Am i a bad person?

20 Oct 2002
In a house
Here is the long and short of it, and why im asking the question.

I recently bought a house equal share with my brother, its a brand new house, was a showhouse and is fully decorated.

Since we decided on the house i have been dealing with solicitors, put down loft flooring, sorted out the phone line, broadband, supervised all the snagging, money transfers, keys and generally looked after the purchase from start to completion.

My brother and his fiance started moving into the house today. All furniture purchases are going to be 50/50. I was not going to start moving in till this evening, as i had a pre-arranged photo-shoot and a hockey match.

Part - 1

My brothers fiance's sister has come down to "help" and we went out on the town last night. During which time she told me i had to stop hanging around my mates as they were too ugly, and meant i was de-valuing myself. She also asked me about my previous relationships and how we split. I mention that my last two GFs were Jewish which meant things were sometimes difficult.

now, wait - get this - Her response

"What.... are you some kind of holocaust lover?"

Now i really had no idea what to say to this ignorant, rude and racist remark. So asked if she meant and understood what she just said - She replied "yes"

Part 2

My brother/fiance(who has no financial input into upkeep or purchase of said house) and future sister in law bought a load of food, from which i was supposed to be excluded so i could buy my own. (I have very unusual eating habits) however they bought me some stuff without telling me

They also moved in all their stuff and put in the TV and sofas and arranged (already present) furniture into how they want it.


This evening on moving in my own stuff i am getting blanked by the girls, and told i should be gratefull for all they have done and should say thankyou. I simply said to my brother. No i wont, and then my reasons for this. I have been thanked by no-one for my input, without which the sale would not have happened.

Does this make me a bad person??
At a time like this mate there is only one option. Change the locks . :D

Your brothers fiance's sister sounds like a ruddy idiot! I can imagine what kind of person she is just from the Jewish comment :/
Psssh, no. There arn't many true 'bad' people in the world. You probably should have thanked them for the food but if you haven't been thanked then screw them. Be stubborn like me, if they get arsey just ignore it and treat them like you did before, don't hate on them though.

Edit: The Jew comment was funny though, shame it wasn't a joke. :D
I cant see how you didnt forsee situations like this when you entered into buying a house with someone other than your wife/GF.
Especially if they are in a relationship with someone else.

£50 on a thread something along the lines of "Being forced out of my own house by brother and bitch fiance" by Christmas.
No, you are not a bad person.

So, even before you move in you are finding that there are problems? ....... does not bode well for living together tbh.

Good luck.
Nah matey, shes giving you the hassle. You should have thought about this though, imo big bad mistake going 50/50 for a home that your bro AND HIS PARTNER were to share :/
hey man you sound like a great guy to sort all that stuff out.

Your bros G/f sound abit :S

just keep thinking that they wouldn't be i nthe house if it wasn't for you.
To be honest mate, I wouldn't have gone into a house share in this kind of situation. These things are hard to work out mate, eventually your brother and his fiance are going to start treating the house as if it was there family home and perhaps things may start to get difficult with all of you trying to live together.
You aren't in the wrong at all. I do, however, think you might have made a big mistake. Try and be reasonable in the face of adversity (which it sounds like you are anyway) and do your best to work things out and it will hopefully all work out in the end.
living together will mean give and take by both parties.. i really hope everyone gets along or things can and may get very difficult, so... congrats on the move; good luck living with your brother and his weird fiancee!

do i think youre a bad person? no. as for your friends: dont let her dictate who you should be friends with - true friends are hard to come by and shouldnt be chosen over shallow things like the way they look. i hope your brother realises what he's going to be marrying and getting himself into!
Malt, I hope you have a written agreement with your brother over how decisions will be made about this house ..... such as who gets to move in, permission being required from both of you before that happens, what happens when one wants to sell and move on, who pays for what, etc, etc. If not, this has huge potential for going terribly wrong.
yeh ^^ the fiance will get him to turf you out i think so get some agreement going ... or I WILL MOVE IN
Just say "calm down, lets not turn this rape into a murder" saw it on a t-shirt, thought it was awful.

.Women like that should be slapped, she sounds so stuck up.
OMFG how shallow must your brother's partner be to suggest to not hang around people just because they're ugly?
TBH, that trait alone makes her more ugly then any physical disfigurement.
Thanks for the advice peeps :)

I did discuss this with my Brother a lot before we took this decision. Unfortunatly,with prices as they are, it was the only way to get onto the ladder :(

I have made it clear to my brother that this is a 50/50 and as such i will not tolerate this sort of behaviour from someone who has no official involvment with the property. We do have a written agreement, however, i think im going to re-write it and have it re-signed.

We have agreed to stay in the property for 2 years, then sell. Should give us both a nice deposit to move upwards. (we bought off plan, saved about 40k on retail price)

I will be talking to my Brother asap about the way he is flaunting our agreement with pressure from his future wife. Im sure i can make this work, I really dont want to be living in a tense house!
Personally woulda asked her if she is so smart with her terms, then she should understand the definition of the phrase "welcome guest" and thus the impact of the welcome being worn out.....
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