Am i a bad person?

I thought it was his bro's fiancee's sister that was the problem? Sounds to me like she's a total idiot, and drags your bro's fiancee down a bit when she's around. Glad its working out better now though.
Malt_Vinegar said:
Just an update peeps. I have no net at the moment, waiting for my tiscali modem to arrive :(

I have been very ill today, got sent home from work, got some kind of bug.

My bro's fiance made me drinks, sandwiches and kept checking on me :) I think I was a tad hasty, she is a nice girl, and now her sister is gone I'm a lot happier.

Thanks for all the advice guys :D


The food thay gave you is intended to kill you ... you lived and she is trying to finish you of with the sandwiches .

She is not checking if your ok... she is waiting for you to die :eek:

LOL ... no realy kidding

It seems to me that the GF's sister is the problem , She sounds like a total prat , You have not needed her befor now so just make it clear to her .. your bro and his GF that she is a problem that you can do without .

If she don't get the message .....Get all your mates round while she is at your house and tell them what she said about them ...Im sure thay will make her VERY unwelcome .

Just remember that moving house is considered one of the most stressfull events someone goes through. It wouldn't surprise me if people were stressed and things were said.

Hope you get better too Malt_Vinegar, I've just spent the last week with mild man-flu but lost the ability to sleep and was very tired the whole time.
dayloon said:
To be honest i think buying a house with your bro and his fiance is a bad idea and destined for disaster

House prices being what they are, it's often either that or rent. Renting property is just money down the drain.
Sweetloaf said:
House prices being what they are, it's often either that or rent. Renting property is just money down the drain.

Exactly, try getting a mortage to cover a three bedroom house on your own when your earning under 20k a year....

Renting is a waste of money, and i managed to live with my brother for 17 years, so i figure we can manage it :P
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