Amanda Knox and her Ex found guilty of the Murder of Medredith Kercher

And just a few days ago, Knox and Sollecito were guilty of the murder of Meredith Kercher.

I wonder how soon it will be before it is discovered that like Knox and Sollecito, Guede wasn't guilty of murder after all?

Won't happen. Guede has overwhelming evidence placed against him, a weak story and past criminal history.

Evidence against Amanda and her ex was always thin on the ground. There is no doubt Amanda acted strangely and suspiciously at times but there just isn't enough solid reliable evidence to condemn her. The courts and police had alternative motive for keeping her for so long.

The prevalence of weak evidence deemed reliable by the courts to condemn Amanda is shocking especially when combined with the incomplete and poorly recorded evidence in other areas.
Just a little info to dispel the "Knox was going cartwheels in the police station" myth, as it turns out she was actually doing yoga (probably to keep calm) and some of the things she was doing were probably misunderstood by the police.
As mentioned earlier, Guede's lawyer has stated he wants a retrial. He's already had his appeal.

There is solid evidence against him but I hate to think how the idiotic prosecutors have potentially undermined the case against him while perusing their vendetta against the other two.
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OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, Goldman Sachs(masters od the universe! He-man ah ahhh), Moodys, bleach, mobile phones tuned off, DNA, footprints, bizarre behaviour, change of story, guilty demeanor all come to mind.
bleach, mobile phones tuned off, DNA, footprints, bizarre behaviour, change of story, guilty demeanor all come to mind.

Molbile phone records don't mean anything and were lied about by the Police

The Bleach was not opened and purchased days before the crime

The DNA evidence is non existent or out right forged

You have just been accused of murder in a foreign country and the Police are trying their hardest to frame you, its a bizarre situation, what would one expect normal behaviour to be?

Eye witness testimony and recollection is massively flawed at the best of times, combine that with a corrupt Police force intentionally trying to catch someone out, the story is bound to change multiple times.

"Guilty demeanour" - :rolleyes:

I can't believe people will still call her guilty of something because of flawed evidence and a feeling. The media have pretty much destroyed her life with all the awful headlines, and now people have formed such a strong opinion based on that they'll never see her as innocent. I can't believe people will still call her guilty of something because of such extremely demonstrable flawed and fake evidence and then retard gut feeling. The media have pretty much destroyed her life with all the awful headlines, and now people have formed such a strong opinion based on that they'll never see her as innocent.

Most of America considers her to have been wronged by nutjob Italian prosecutors. And the nutjob bit has been fairly persuasively established and the evidence has been proven conclusively to be a complete sham, hence her release.

What gets me even more are the people who seem to think that Knox is somehow gaining from all this, and that it's wrong for her to make any money. I mean, there's already a made for tv film which portrays her as the murderer. I think she has the right to release her own story.
It reads much less of a screw up, as in failed to prosecute to guilty murderers...more than...failure to put two innocent people in jail.

A LOT of the evidence do not make sense. Disregard the forensic procedures, the harsh interrogations, and even the actual DNA evidence, yes, even the DNA evidence, or the complete lack of it.

What bugs me for some reason is the fact that why take 2 knifes out of the entire drawer when you are looking for a knife as a murder weapon.

everything you mention is hearsay from the press... knox spent a fortune on that press.
I can't believe people will still call her guilty of something because of flawed evidence and a feeling.

I don't often find myself agreeing with you hurfdurf, but you are bang on with this one. The attitude some people have towards criminal justice and investigative procedure is quite shocking. Beyond reasonable doubt or get off scott free. There is no 'Yeah, but they soooooooo did it', or as in the UK media 'Person X has been accused of Crime Y, therefore, is guilty, and scum, and probably a child rapist as well (and looks a bit dodgy)'
The evidence presented by the prosecution for the first trial would have never even got the case to court in the UK.

Knox and Sollecito should have had the charges against them dropped as soon as the prosecutors realised that Guede's semen, bloody handprints and footprints were all over the place. Mignini was desperately trying to save his career and was already under investigation for implicating innocent journalists in another elaborate murder plot he'd concocted.

Roll on Mignini's appeal against his illegal wire-tapping conviction. That suspended sentence he's got hanging over him is beckoning. I'm sure the inmates will make him feel at home.
There is an interesting analysis HERE of exactly how Knox won her appeal.

It is curious that the Italian Plods made such a mess of the investigation in relation to Knox but got it exactly spot-on in the case of Guede :confused:
There is an interesting analysis HERE of exactly how Knox won her appeal.

It is curious that the Italian Plods made such a mess of the investigation in relation to Knox but got it exactly spot-on in the case of Guede :confused:

It's curious that Mignini had pretty much built his case against Knox and Sollecito before Guede was implicated. The police had already announced their idea about it being a sex game with Knox, Sollecito and Lumumba involved when they discovered Guede's semen and bloody handprints. They had already announced the discovery of the knife "with Knox's DNA near the handle and Kercher's on the blade". That was 15th November 2007 (Meredith having been killed on the 2nd). The stich up job was already well in progress.

On 19th November they realised that they had a perfect DNA match for Guede, a known offender (annouced as a 4th suspect). All the genuine evidence pointed to Guede being a lone attacker but the investigators had already come up with the crap about the knife. The obvious thing to do at this point would have been to drop charges against the other 3 but the investigators, led by Mignini, persisted with thier ludicrous sex game hypothesis. Mignini was already under investigation for abuse of his authority (of which he was later convicted) and admitting the balls up would have finished his career. Only Lumumba had a rock solid alibi so he was released the next day.

(source for dates -
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