Amarettos, anyone?

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20 Jun 2006
Capital of The North
Well, i believe i can hold my alcohol!

Had 4 pints of san miguel(sp) throughout the meal - 30 minutes

Then 4 glass's of Amaretto in 10 minutes

AND i only had breakfast yesterday

So yea, i wasnt drunk :(

Will try harder next time

So, we are going to a chinese restaurant next time and has anybody got any good chinese spirits i can try?

So get back to answering my question :D

Any nice/strong chinese spirit?

*thought he drank a lot*


But at the last one i had 3 sambuca's and wasnt terribly drunk - along with all the foreplay of pints etc

Nice drinks
Erm, baijiu? Dangerous stuff, varies wildly in potency. I've never found anything over about 40% in Chinese shops round here, but the stuff goes up to and beyond 60% in China, clear spirit. Can be pricey here, but sold by the big plastic turpentine container full for pennies over there..

May also run across rice wine of various sorts, which I've never been a fan of. Tsingtao beer's pretty tasty and fairly widely available, and tried Yanjing for the first time last week, which was alright.

Enjoy :)

EDIT: Oh, Harbin's quite nice too, only seen it in one pub over here though, and that's a backpacker bar. I don't tend to eat in Chinese restaurants, so not sure what's generally available, might find Asahi, Singha or any other asian beers really..
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^ lol

maybe more like 8 ey?


ty fifov

Vodka is pretty nasty from the local - glens vodka

Had some VERY nice polish vodka uncle brought over

Costs a lot liek
The_blue said:
what meal takes 30 mins?????

Cheese burger??

I thing you were drunk, you lost awareness of time!

I was drunk in that sense

But not kinda chattin off and falling over :p

But yea the meal was probably 2 hours :D:D

And i probably had more than 4

Since the waiter just kept bringin em 0.o
your alcohol tolerance is directly proportional to the size of your penis guys, come on, its basic OcUK knowledge :o

i love the fact i have a low tolerance, makes nights cheap :D
Fusion said:
Amaretto is lovely stuff. It's not for slinging down your neck though. 28% abv yet very easy to sip.
Bleh, it goes down very quickly in cocktails, its too sweet to be drunk on its own IMO
semi-pro waster said:
Amaretto is a bit too sickly for ordinary drinking, the biscuits (Amenie Amaretto Morbidi are the ones I normally have) are pretty nice though. :)

1 Shot of Amaretto in a shot glass , 1 pint of Beer.

Drop the shot in the beer, Down it in 1.

Very tasty :D :D

Dr Peppers is what we call them. :p

And thats all its good for,
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