Amazing sotry of near-death experience

TK is a real ability I've seen it myself. Most people that do it won't advertise it on TV. Often too shift you consciouness to the level where you can do it requires a specific lifestyle (e.g monks sat in some cave in the himilayas or 10 years of daily deep meditation) that is the oppoestie to going round performing on TV.

If someone really could do it they wouldn't have to go around doing it on TV, the TV people would come to them!
I bet whoever wrote that story has never even had Cancer. If it were true I'm sure there would be a few news articles included with it documenting the recovery but I see none. It's just another person who's waisted their life so has made up this fantasy to make themselves feel important.

Don't be so sure. If it ever became known that we have the power to heal ourselves the pharmaceutical companies stand to lose a HUGE amount of money. Sickness is big business.
And if people weren't so gullible these people wouldn't have such an insensitive to spout nonsense. She probably makes a living doing paid interviews for magazines/talk shows etc.

If someone really had made such an incredible recovery the medical departments would be all over it trying to learn how it was possible so they could find a cure for others. Life isn't one big conspiracy theory you know :)
Sorry, but this is a load of ******** of the same ilk that gets sent by those stupid chain e-mail spammers. I was expecting to have a "pass this on or your testicles will fall off and your dog will die ZOMG!" at the end of it.

What a wonderful story, and thats all it is, a story, a fiction designed to bring hope into the lives of those pathetic and needy enough to believe it.

Once your organs are shutting down, thats it! Its even more insensitive to people who have lost someone to cancer. I hope she does get a terminal illness, I really do. Spitefull, nasty cow.

Yeah, its all a state of mind:rolleyes:
I believe there's definately many things that humans aren't aware of, or able to comprehend.

Of course with science as the basis of allowing us to understand and predict the reality we live in, anything which science can't or is yet to then it's hard to beileve it's 'real'.

Again, in my opinion, we've yet to find the limits of the power of the human mind. We spend our lifetimes learning about everything else apart from ourselves.

There's people who can regulate their body tempertaure, slow down their heart beat, recall details to a huge degree (referring back to the guy who flew over Rome then drew it in incredible detail). These people have trained their body (or have a brain disorder in the 'Human Camera' example) to accomplish such feats few other humans can.

If you took the rest of the population who weren't aware that it was possible and asked them if they thought it was they'd say no, and they probably never would discover it was.

I'm not saying it's possible to become Dr.Xavier from Xmen and throw objects across the room using only the power of the mind, but only that we're far from reaching the minds potential power, and to do so takes patience and practice, which only a few people take time to do.

I realise i'm rambling but I think it's a pity many people don't have an open mind to such things, and instantly pass them off as crazy talk because they've been taught by science that it's not theoretically possible, I suppose us humans are too stubborn to understand that even science may have it's limitations.

Disclaimer - I am by no means religious, I do not perform any 'dark arts' and believe in evolution as opposed to creationism, and I'm not crazy, as far as I'm aware.

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I had a near death experience. It was hot.

That dog loosk like it's had a spout of near death experiences, poor pup
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Here's an interesting video from TED, it's well worth watching whatever you believe, you also get to see a human brain!

"Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another."

Whether these near death type experience are only in the brain or not it seems to be oddly similar for everyone and usually is a deeply meaningful and spiritual experience.

I believe there is a real possibility of an after life for many reasons, take the whole astral projection thing for instance, after having a few sleep paralysis experiences many years ago I later happened to come across info on out of body experiences and how to have one, so i thought there may be something to it, well I decided to give it a go one night and amazingly it seemed to work up to a point, I felt some weird sensations but never 'left' because I got worried from what felt like my heart beating ridiculously fast, however it was not as I checked my pulse straight after and as far I know you can't really feel your heart beating in your chest?

Anyway back then I was more sceptical and such but if it weren’t for the fact I later found out about another topic that at first I also would not think much of, chakras and the whole energy body thing seems to be real because those sensations I had matched exactly with the chakras, things like how my heart seemed to be beating really fast yet was physically normal and there was a ring or 'crown' of energy sensation on the top of my head, same sort of sensations were felt where the 'third eye' and other places are, now it could all just be in the mind but having not known of them at the time and everything matching up so well it must mean either its real or there's some very weird brain activity going on which I think needs studying, I just don't see what function it has as this is basically what happens when you go to sleep but you usually go unconscious first.

Other reasons why I believe are simple things like if you can exist once why not again? Whether it's straight after like described in NDE's or just at some time in the distant future as it's likely an infinite universe and also when you get down to it there seems to be only one thing that makes up the universe, call it energy or aether but it makes the most sense, you've got waves and energy and as it's capable of consciousness it opens up a lot of possibilities.
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The mind has extreme power. I have even been able to make objects move purely through thought.
I don't post in this section much, you probably don't even have a clue who I am (not like you should), but I like reading your posts. I like your individuality and open-mindedness, they are traits I believe we share, but...

While I don't mind people believing in this sort of thing, if you are going to make claims like that then you are going to prove it or stop flapping your gums. Absolute nonsense if I ever heard any. :o

I'm sorry, but it's just my opinion. Video it please if you're going to make such insane, bold claims.

That goes for the woman telling the story in the OP as well. Why has she not been on the news? Why has she not had a whole medical journal written about her? Why does she have to make up this crap? To feel special?

Sorry but I can confirm along with thousands of other people who've had NDEs that what she says is true. Trust me your existance isn't some sort of cosmic accident like the state education system taught you.
Everything I just said to Lysander counts for you too, though I don't know who you are.
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