Amazing sotry of near-death experience

While i may believe some things are possible like an after life, when it comes to psychic stuff there's clearly a lot of big claims with little or nothing to show for it, if anythings real and can be proven then it should be, there's no excuse really, perhaps it could be possible in a limited way now or in the future but either way i doubt anyone can do much of what they claim and if they can it must be pretty weak otherwise they could show it undeniably.

Heres the most convincing video i've seen on it but it's still not enough proof.
if anythings real and can be proven then it should be, there's no excuse really

I have seen it done in front of people and it is still disbelieved. If people see anything like it even feet away from their eyes they still believe it is fake. There's a part of their brain that says, "I don't understand how this is logically or physically possible, so it can't be". It really is pointless trying.
I have seen it done in front of people and it is still disbelieved. If people see anything like it even feet away from their eyes they still believe it is fake. There's a part of their brain that says, "I don't understand how this is logically or physically possible, so it can't be". It really is pointless trying.

That's because they won't let scientists watch and study. Which means they have something to hide.
I have seen it done in front of people and it is still disbelieved. If people see anything like it even feet away from their eyes they still believe it is fake. There's a part of their brain that says, "I don't understand how this is logically or physically possible, so it can't be". It really is pointless trying.

This isn't true at all, just ask these people to explain how they think your doing it? To say it's pointless to demonstrate because some people will never believe it is quite frankly laughable.

I'm willing to believe it 100% if it is done under control conditions.
Seen this video before. Was going to post it but decided not to bother because I thought most people would dismiss it as a hoax.

It's possible he could be connecting himself up in some way though in not sure as he's shown elsewhere doing it, another possibility is that he has some odd genetics with electric eel like qualities, it could also be an implant or perhaps for once it's actually real, you can't know for sure.

I have seen it done in front of people and it is still disbelieved. If people see anything like it even feet away from their eyes they still believe it is fake. There's a part of their brain that says, "I don't understand how this is logically or physically possible, so it can't be". It really is pointless trying.

Yeah i know what people are like but it still seems to me that if something is real then it is reality and science can explain, however there's definitely mostly big claims with no proof versus the very small minority thats worth investigating.
I also experienced extreme clarity of why I had the cancer, why I had come into this life in the first place, what role everyone in my family played in my life in the grand scheme of things, and generally how life works.

Shame you couldn't explain this to us!!!!

Lol at The Matrix link btw!
Lol at The Matrix link btw!

I don't know if you're being sarcastic but The Matrix was presenting an age-old philosophical idea [see, for instance Descartes' Meditations or read up on the Upanishads] that the world is a fabrication and/or we are being deceived into thinking we are real when we are anything but. It presented an idea [just like Jesus' parables did] in an easy to digest way so that people could effortlessly and enjoyably understand.
I've had a few Out of Body Experiences though I can't do it at will. They're an ability we all poesess though it will only reveal itself once you reach a certain level of consciousness and spiritual maturity. If you want to raise your cosnciousness start meditating.

I also had a near death experience from a drugs overdose about 4 years ago. I od'd on ketamine and my heart stopped beating. I was hovering around above my body and saw all my friends pushing my chest trying to get my heart going again. It was like my whole life had just been a 2 minute dream that I'd woken up from. I felt totaly disconnected from earth and all its problems and there was a great sense of calmness. Eventualy I was back in my body gasping for breath. I've realised since that I have issues to iron out before I go again, mainly eliminating my pull towards drink/drugs and other superficial pleasures.

If I had to sum it up :- what you do in life can have consequences, possibly for erternity. So use your time on this earth wisely. Jobs, money, mortgages, PCs, mobiles, social pressures and almost 95% of what you spend your time pursuing are totaly irrelevant once you 'cross over'. And many, many people are perminantly scaring there 'souls' by pursuing fairytale dreams being sold to you mass media, governments and other earthly powers. Heaven and hell don't really exist as such. But you do reap what you sow.

Horse man.
Sorry but I can confirm along with thousands of other people who've had NDEs that what she says is true. Trust me your existance isn't some sort of cosmic accident like the state education system taught you.

So let me get this straight, you did lots and lots of ketamine (a dissociative anaesthetic that causes you to feel you are dissociated from your body), and you had an out-of-body experience. Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm convinced.:p

Don't be so sure. If it ever became known that we have the power to heal ourselves the pharmaceutical companies stand to lose a HUGE amount of money. Sickness is big business.

Yeah man, the pharmaceutical industry controls the media and scours the internet making sure the news doesn't get out. Any evidence for this latest conspiracy theory of yours?
fascinating story. Ive read similar. The Brain is an amazing organ isnt it.

and that I was surrounded by loving spiritual beings, who were always around me even when I did not know it.

Whats the difference between beings being around you and not being around you if the result in both is the same you dont feel them in either case! Exactly.... bogus.

Its the same line of thought which gives answers/explanations AFTER you die...oh of course everything is so clear then aint it? Nobody comes back to verify the clarity of it all. :D

Its all spiritual mumbo jumbo... when you're dead you're dead thats it.
Sorry but I can confirm along with thousands of other people who've had NDEs that what she says is true. Trust me your existance isn't some sort of cosmic accident like the state education system taught you.

agree with Knives here... did a little reading on it myself... And the feelings produced during such experiences are apparently due to certain chemical reactions/neurons firing in the brain to produce the feeling of love etc.

I an pretty sure scientists have done experiments where they have replicated this feeling in a controlled lab environment.
that video is very interesting, cant work out if its real

does it make a difference if it is ? think about that for a second...

its real = afterlife heaven people watching over us blah blah blah

then think of all the utter horror, murders, rape, torture, famine, diseases, wars that are committed here on earth. Senseless and meaningless destruction and killing.

Yeah they are watching over us all right..... loving and benevolent? Muhahaha i think not.

So in that sense it doesnt make a ****** difference to me because what kind of sicko watches the horror show called Earth for giggles? and does nothing? Is it an entertainment channel for "higher beings" ?

Remember the bit in Gladiator.... Maximus slices and dices some other warriors....lots of blood and gore... to the joy of a baying crowd..

He screams at them (after decimating the last opponent)
"Are you not entertained!"

This is a gravytrain of sickness.....this place...
So let me get this straight, you did lots and lots of ketamine (a dissociative anaesthetic that causes you to feel you are dissociated from your body), and you had an out-of-body experience. Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm convinced.:p

HAHA exactly what i was thinking. "supposedly" ketamine always makes you feel like that if you take a decent amount. i thought the only reason people took it was for the out of body experiences....

also id love to know how much you took to OD because its definetly not an easy thing to do. its only a class c for a reason
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