Hello Thomas,
I'm sorry that you have not received your order
I want to make sure that you actually get your shipment in your hands as soon as possible, and I will immediately follow up on this matter. In order to check with our logistics partner I will ask the local carrier about the precise circumstances of the delivery.
Should the check reveal that the item has not been delivered properly, I will do something about it for you immediately. Note: Proper delivery also includes, for example, substitute delivery to a neighbor or housemate or handover to a relative or employee.
We expect processing to be complete by 4. September 2018.
If you receive the shipment before the results of the carrier investigation are available or if you have not heard from us again by 5. September 2018, please inform us by replying to this e-mail. If you want to contact us by phone or chat, then please use our contact form
Thank you for your patience.
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I assume they mean October unless they have invented a time machine in which case could they borrow me it so I can go back and not order this phone
Trying to remain on the bright side