Amazon Locker. Glad I'm not short


5'8 and below is short for modern day standard especially if you are below the age of 40.

Between 5'8 and 5'11 is probably average height.

Anyone taller than 5'11 is considered tall IMO. But you will have kids who are very tall and each generation is getting taller even though nutrition is getting worse. It's probably to do with the large amount of fortified foods and calories being plentiful as it's not just height that is increasing but waistlines too.

What was considered tall and fat 40 years ago is probably now average or below average.
Yeah exactly, anything above 6ft is tall, below 6ft is short.

I look at the majority of men I meet in my life and see them as short, compared to me. It's not derogatory,if you believe it is then that's on your own, short man, syndrome ;)

Also, your inference that greater height is due to poor nutrition is not correct. The general consensus is that greater height is due to better nutrition, not due to more plentiful poor nutrition, as you just inferred. Its OK that future generations are taller than you and you are generally now a short person, it is not a reflection on your own personal failings :)
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