**AMD COMPETITION** WIN! VTX3D HD 6870 X2 graphics card worth £344.99 PLUS exclusive runners up priz

finally got an idea for my entry. just a quick question before i start, how many syllables does VTX3D have? i assume its 5, but i might be reading it wrong
personally i think it should be all about originality, while some of the entries that have used existing poetry etc are pretty damn good, they are sorta like photoshopped images, just pretty but twisted copies.

much prefer the original entries that i've been reading in here so far.

but that just me and i obviously don't get a vote :p
Well, it did just say come up with a funny poem, not that it had to be entirely original. But obviously my viewpoint is horrendously biased :p
This is my entry... Poetry used to be a strong point, evidently it’s lacking but here we go

As I sit on the floor,
Wandering weather I need 4,
4 graphics cards I would adore,
I get in from my door,
A stretching and looking for,
Some advice I can't ignore,
Oh the overclockclockers I do adore,
I go there once I go there thrice, I emplore
Please oh what do I do, I want 4!
One user laughs at me and says you only need 2
2 I cry but which do I go,
Crossfire or SLI,

A mod steps in and says hold it son,
He bows as is a sleek nymph walks in,
Ruby red,
She stopped me dead,
Pray tell I beg what's thy name?
She knew at once I was her bane,
VTX3D she replied giving her name

I may be small I may be sleek I may even provide enough speed,

This had sold me,
I jumped up quick,
To the shop cart I ran,
Thinking this time I really don’t need a tan,
No holiday for me,
No flights at all,
No summer wine,
For this graphics card is mine.

Again sorry this is so bad ha-ha just came out with it...
ok here's my entry - typing on a touchscreen phone so please excuse the inevitable typos.

Ruby red, I took off his head & left him lying dead in his bed.
T'is not a crime or felony see, just testing out my vtx3d.
I've killed mods and rockers and even played soccer on the rig I got from overclockers.
Added a little disclaimer thing to the end of mine, in case people were thinking I was trying to pass off Poe's poem as my own. That wasn't the intention, they were there to get people into the rhythm of the poem.
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Added a little disclaimer thing to the end of mine, in case people were thinking I was trying to pass off Poe's poem as my own. That wasn't the intention, they were there to get people into the rhythm of the poem.

You worried Poe's great great grand kids will be after you for plagarism?:p

Don't think you'd any need for the disclaimer tbh. Seemed a pretty acceptable entry to me.
Well, some people seemed to get the impression that it was a completely original work, so I didn't want any of the mods to get that impression, think its great, then see that its based upon another poem and strike it off the list for whatever reason.

Thanks for the support though :)

You worried Poe's great great grand kids will be after you for plagarism?

Oh no! I'll have to start paying them royalties when I publish it! XD
removed as they updated the rules for only one entry :-) (So now I'm in line with the rules)
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Overclockers please give to me
A Radeon VTX3D
And the exclusive model of Ruby
Give to this poor little newbie
And I'll sing and dance with glee
I have no idea why, but I'm reading all these in the voice of the dog from the walls advert :D
Someone should make a little beat for their rhyme.
Sitting here i saw a link,
A competition where i had to think,
Unfortunately i cannot rhyme,
So i didn't end up wasting my time!

As you can see my rhyming is nooby,
I found it so hard to rhyme something with Ruby.
VTX3D, your hardware rocks,
I'll get more fps when shooting my glock,

Overclockers - the best internet store,
Please let me win,
So i can enjoy these fps games more!

a poor attempt but i'm not a creative person so :(
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