We've left the days of massive performance gains from generation to generation behind IMHO. We're now entering a phase of incremental gains, mainly driven by improved process geometry.
The reality is that we don't need more GPU horsepower right now. All of the current generation of mid-high and top-end GPUs can drive the latest games at maximum settings at typical 1080 resolution. Of course it's always nice to have more so that those enthusiasts can run 1440/1600, 3D, multiscreen etc, but those few are the minority. Anyone with a GTX670/HD7950+ can run everything maxed in a typical setup, and anyone with a GTX660/HD7850 can max out most things.
It needs the new gen consoles launched with the developers pushing that hardware before the current crop of GPUs will show their age.
I'm with you there "Havana". Nvidia and AMD have both checked their production and development capabilities against the new consoles (not together of course) and mulled over their separate agendas and (obviously I'm guessing here) followed the paths we, as customers, are arguing over. I'm thinking, Nvidia gives us their Titans as expensive eye candy and AMD gives us their delays. Needless to say I would have pressed the trigger on a Titan myself but they were nearly £1000 when I was upgrading and I was looking for SLI as well (£2000).
I'm with "Rusty0611" with the "your" and "you are" (you're) corruption..................... It dun do my hed in it do