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AMD freesync coming soon, no extra costs.... shocker

So is this gonna be like the frame pacing thing, where AMD only do it after a fuss has been made on the internet rather than doing it from the start?
Also will it work as well as the framepacing fix AMD used that they then replaced with a hardware version on the 290/290X cards (why do this is the software solution was so brilliant?)

Hopefully it'll work well (better than the software frame pacing) though.
Am I right in thinking these technologies will mean we don't need Vsync as it will only work at the monitors refresh rate?
Should go nicely with Mantle, 45% performance improvement and then this limits you to 60fps...
(I might have that wrong, I'll take more of an interest when it's closer to being released).
As brilliant as this news possibly is (I'm going to assume/hope that this may work with my Samsung 700D with my R9 290 all kosher?)
AMD had to wait this long why?
My understanding is that the 'FreeSync' system is using the Panel Self Refresh feature of the DisplayPort standard, and until very recently there were no screens that supported this so there was zero point in AMD exposing the functionalitly (they have talked about PSR in the past, but in terms of its power-saving ability on mobile systems rather than variable frame rates). This is why so much existing AMD hardware is FreeSync capable - there's nothing new about the technology, it's been around for a while just wating for the LCD manufacturers to catch up.

Obviously there are now some laptops using DP to connect their internal screens and have PSR compatible panels, so AMD can show off FreeSync. As for it working on existing monitors, no chance at all I suspect. PSR requires additional hardware to work (thus increases manufacturing costs) and up till now it's been aimed at saving power more than anything else, so monitor manufacturers haven't had much motivation to support it.
Aaaaaaaaaand cue nVidia saying 'But our solution is a more effective/elegant solution! We has ramzzzzzz!!!!!!'

Reminds me of back in the days when Nvidia spent more half the time of their presentation rubbishing PowerVR's tile-based deferred rendering method rather than talking about their own products when they lost the performance crown to them in that gen :p You can bet they will be stepping forward in rubbishing "Freesync" and claim it will NEVER be as good as G-sync :D
Every post I read of yours is pure hatred towards Nvidia isnt it?

You want to sure us on the little green doll where they touched you? :D

right or wrong about this issue it gets tiresome

I find it funny that when I post a fact that shows Nvidia in a bad light, it's just hate, it's never Nvidia doing something meh that people shouldn't actually support, it's purely me hating on Nvidia.

The entire g-sync situation which I have seemingly called perfectly from the start, has been describe as hate by Nvidia people on this forum, rather than simply technical information which is all it was.

Go back and read my posts and the responses. I said Nvidia can't patent it, that gets called hate, I point out how simple the idea is, I get called as posting rubbish because I hate Nvidia. I was actually just describing the situation and what would almost certainly happen and I used examples(3dvision, sli, etc) to point out that this is generally how Nvidia has done things for donkeys years.

I dislike what Nvidia do in general to try and lock their own customers in, AMD out, and screw the industry as a by product.... I've yet to see anyone explain why these are good things or why loving the idea would be "normal".

If nvidia turn around and stop screwing everyone over as the default mode, I'll be happy, if they do something genuinely good for the industry you'll see me support it. If AMD intentionally screw over their customers, you'll see me complain about it. Maybe you could e-mail AMD and ask them to do more bad things for me to complain about so I can prove it to you.

Obviously there are now some laptops using DP to connect their internal screens and have PSR compatible panels, so AMD can show off FreeSync. As for it working on existing monitors, no chance at all I suspect. PSR requires additional hardware to work (thus increases manufacturing costs) and up till now it's been aimed at saving power more than anything else, so monitor manufacturers haven't had much motivation to support it.

In reality power saving is something monitor makers are VERY in to and would support, but it would be heavily biased towards mobile and trying to get manufacturers to put in any more effort than required when they don't need to becomes a blood from stone type of situation. I could see them happily do this on all their screens meant for mobile but if there was a 1p cost per monitor in desktop to add the feature they'd hold back as long as possible.

The screen industry is a complete joke, 1080p the best you can still do at 24" screen(I think I maybe have seen like one higher res smallish scree) while you can get a 4" mobile screen at 1080p......... it's insane, it's always been insane. At least, thank ****, we've seen some 4k 28" screens being done. It probably wouldn't have surprised me to see 4k screens starting at 40".

I've wanted a couple super high def but 22-27" screens for the past 5 years, and frankly, no reason at all they haven't been standard for that long.

One of the issues is seriously stupid Vesa standards, no one agreeing on cabling and general standards for higher res. Nothing over 1080p at 120hz for so long is mostly down to the lack of choosing or creating a cable and standard that can run say a 1600p, or 4k screen at 120hz. Pretty much all it would take is some sensible thinking and agreeing on a choice between everyone....... asking grown men to agree on something in business is insane.

You have one company who probably has some stake in HDMI, would get 2p per screen so is arguing for that, another guy who wants to save the 6p per screen having 3hdmi ports would mean and so wants display port, etc.

Essentially there hasn't been much reason since lcd's were made for "g-sync" to have been a fundamental feature of the first screens made. Just, the industry was set in their refresh rate thinking, and so that's what they continued to do, madness. It's not AMD/Nvidia/Industry who did it first, it's, why didn't any of these idiots do this 10 years ago. It's pretty much mental.
If this indeed is as good as G-Sync, that is great news for AMD owners. No need to buy new screens to get a tech that I think is awesome is making me jealous. Good work AMD. Did they give a time scale?
lol is it actually called "Freesync" or is that just what it is been coined? Great troll if so.

If they have called it that, I shall laugh a lot, I think.... but am not sure, that it's Anandtech trolling g-sync a bit. If they did call it that it wouldn't be long before someone reviewing "freesync" would compare them as free-sync vs pay-sync.
Is this really that big a deal?
Didn't a lot of AMD owners (I'm sure there were a few Nvidia ones too)say how uninteresting and rubbish GSync looked?
Now all of a sudden this is something awesome?

Yeah I kinder the did not by saying it looked rubbish because how can i when havn't seen it. My view is that I find it pointless for my needs because I dont use Vsync and dont mind screen tear. Then add the fact you had to buy a new monitor or in my case and a GPU it was way out the Window.
Now I can get a chance to maybe try it for free have me a we bit happy yeah.

This sounds great.

A couple of points as always :)

FreeSync requires the monitors internals to be compatible with variable Vblank which at present is not required to be usable by most of the VESA standards, hence to allow this to work you will need a new monitor with the appropriate hardware enabled. (hmm sounds familiar.)

Its just the free thing, you know if you wanted to go manufacturer a monitor the whole vesa standard is not actually free, it costs depending on what your company earns $3,500 annually if you earn up to $5,000,000.

But on the whole this technology sounds great.
Is this really that big a deal?
Didn't a lot of AMD owners (I'm sure there were a few Nvidia ones too)say how uninteresting and rubbish GSync looked?
Now all of a sudden this is something awesome?

Can you see anyone in here say g-sync or freesync is awesome? I didn't, I haven't spotted anyone else.

As before, from probably 90-120fps you will see essentially no difference, may depend on the screen, some screens/games seem to tear a lot, others don't. If you've got 90fps+ v-sync/trip buff you'll get almost zero lag anyway, no tearing and be smooth as hell, at 120fps it's just awesome anyway.

From 30-60fps, it should improve, it WILL vary depending on game, scene. Pendulum is still the absolute ideal way to do it, as discussed the increasing decreasing framerate thing I'd need to see in real life. THe demo purposefully changed framerate steadily, this is the perfect world situation that won't ever happen. Frame pacing will be used to smooth quicker changes in frame rate, that will be interesting to see, it will induce some lag but hopefully smooth it out very well, I can see a situation in which framerate is jumping all over the place that g-sync could look iffy or offer very little benefit.

I said before, at worst, g-sync should be never worse, usually a small benefit, occasionally a huge benefit, but still mostly in a lower frame rate range. If you're gaming about 90fps there will be very little benefit, above 90fps low persistence will be better than g-sync, but pretty much oled's are the real key to great low blur/low persistence gaming............ where the **** are they though :(
Am sure I read most latest Monitor's should already have the hardware inside.

I should have expanded.

By what's being said in this thread, some monitors support/may support it, some won't.
Which monitors support this?

So, TLDR : Nvidia are charging for this vesa standard but made it their own? (Like frame sequential 3D as such)
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