Nobody can say for sure until we see some solid pricing on the Freesync monitor. But for Gsync, the AOC practically same 1920 monitor with and without Gsync have something like £180-£200 price difference...people can get a 2nd hand 290 with that kind of money.
People with for example a GTX660 paying that cost would just be for enabling Gsync support, while they graphic card would still remain the same GTX660; if Freesync doesn't demanding a price premium like Gsync does, it could potentially mean spending same money, but people not only getting the sync feature, but an upgrade from GTX660/7870 to a 290 as well.
If they can all get second hand 290s for £200.
Surely we also need to see some more GSync monitors with and without?
I believe there are also £500 4K Gsync monitors, which seems close to other 4K monitors, but since there doesn't seem to be a non-GSync version it's hard to tell if it would be ~ £300. ~£300 for a non-GSync 4K monitor still seems like a good price. You can probably find non-GSync 1440p monitors for that sort of money.