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AMD freesync coming soon, no extra costs.... shocker

To get a horizontal resolution of 1440P the vertical resolution would have to be over 3400 Lines, thats getting pretty close to 4K.

Too much GPU muscle is needed to power something like that, i think people forget that they have a lot more vertical lines when they scoff at 1080P Ultra Wide screens, it's all they see, there is more to it than that. :)
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To get a horizontal resolution of 1440P the vertical resolution would have to be over 3400 Lines, thats getting pretty close to 4K.

Too much GPU muscle is needed to power something like that, i think people forget that Ultra Wide screens have a lot more vertical lines when they scoff at 1080P Ultra Wide screens, it's all they see, there is more too it than that. :)

I know from gaming on 3 screens, that quite a lot of games suffer from fisheye. There was quite a few that looked terrible on the outside screens and I imagine the same is going to happen with 2560x1080 and 3440x1440. Newer games might be better, as it was a year or so ago I was running 3 screens but that doesn't help the games that did have it.
To get a horizontal resolution of 1440P the vertical resolution would have to be over 3400 Lines, thats getting pretty close to 4K.

Too much GPU muscle is needed to power something like that, i think people forget that Ultra Wide screens have a lot more vertical lines when they scoff at 1080P Ultra Wide screens, it's all they see, there is more too it than that. :)

2560x1080 = <2.8m pixels
1920x1080 = <2.1m pixels
3440x1440 = <5.0m pixels

We scoff for good reason, it's only a handful more pixels and the screen is huge. 34" UW is too big for that few pixels. They're also asking a fair chunk. You can also see 3440 is only slightly more pixels than 1600p, nowhere near 4k.
To get a horizontal resolution of 1440P the vertical resolution would have to be over 3400 Lines, thats getting pretty close to 4K.

Too much GPU muscle is needed to power something like that, i think people forget that Ultra Wide screens have a lot more vertical lines when they scoff at 1080P Ultra Wide screens, it's all they see, there is more too it than that. :)
After having briefly used an ultrawide monitor, tbh i wasnt that keen on it. But thats a personal preference i suppose. 27", 2560x1440, 144Hz and gsync is where ill be going. Yes it already is available in the swift, but bank balance currently says no.:(
None of those monitors are comparable.

We can start to compare in a few months when everything's out and pricing has settled.

That said, I expect g sync to either fall in price (still higher than a directly equivalent freesync) or command a premium (be that say 50-100.
2560x1080 = <2.8m pixels
1920x1080 = <2.1m pixels
3440x1440 = <5.0m pixels

We scoff for good reason, it's only a handful more pixels and the screen is huge. 34" UW is too big for that few pixels. They're also asking a fair chunk. You can also see 3440 is only slightly more pixels than 1600p, nowhere near 4k.

I love 21:9, have a 2560x1080, but 34" to me is far too soft for 1080. And 3440X1440 is still a decent bit off 4k, I'd be comfortable using my 290x.
I know from gaming on 3 screens, that quite a lot of games suffer from fisheye. There was quite a few that looked terrible on the outside screens and I imagine the same is going to happen with 2560x1080 and 3440x1440. Newer games might be better, as it was a year or so ago I was running 3 screens but that doesn't help the games that did have it.

It might be a lack of support with some games, i don't really know as i have never had a 21:9 screen, i think they are a fairly new phenomena.

Fish-eye would be caused if you set 1920x1080P and then stretch the image with a 'Field of View' setting, i think some of those options don't work well as for some strange reason they stretch the image from the outside in instead of stretching it evenly across the whole image. yet then you just end up with a stretched image.

If a native 2560x1080P setting is supported then there is no Fish-eye, or shouldn't be.

So perhaps until better native resolutions for these new screens comes around it is perhaps a little off putting.
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I love 21:9, have a 2560x1080, but 34" to me is far too soft for 1080. And 3440X1440 is still a decent bit off 4k, I'd be comfortable using my 290x.

I wouldn't hesitate to use a single GPU for 3440x1440, only slightly more demanding than 1600p. I've got a 21.9 monitor as my second screen, use it a fair chunk for general browsing. It's not my cuppa for gaming though :p
2560x1080 looks great on 29" but not for 34"....

You don't get fish eye problem with ultra wide monitors at all, at least this is the first I have heard of it....

The only issues you may have are:

- the image is stretched from 16.9 or zoomed/cropped in, that isn't "fish eye"
- you get black bars on the side so it will be like playing on a normal 16.9 screen, for a 29" UW, it is 23"16.9 and for a 34" UW it is a 27" 16.9
I 21:9 is the future. And I think it may be FOV related, I've certainly seen some games on 2560x1080fish eye, but then a lot that don't.

Yeah, i do like the idea of Ultra Wide Screens, it's a good compramise if you find Multiscreen too wide.

It's just a better field of view, but they do need to have better native support. i guess

It's not difficult at the game development stage to clip the image if the setting is requested, much like they do in movies.
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personally preference, but as far as watching films and playing games (assuming all working correctly at 21:9) the experience to me is far superior to 16:9

Yup, no way am I going back to 16.9 screens.

21.9 simply put feels a LOT more immersive.

I have watched quite a few films recently that have all been 21.9 and it just looks amazing.

Gaming is great too although aside from BF 4, I haven't really played much at all, I just hope GTA 5 will have proper 21.9 support.
Yeah, i do like the idea of Ultra Wide Screens, it's a good compramise if you find Multiscreen too wide.

It's just a better field of view, but they do need to have better native support. i guess

It's not difficult at the game development stage to clip the image if the setting is requested, much like they do in movies.

Clipping the image is the wrong way to do it, that isnt giving you a wider field of view it is just cropping the top and bottom off, its called vert-, what you want is hor+
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