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AMD IQ Vs Nvidia IQ - shenanigans or something else?

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Right chaps and chapesses, to save the owners thread, please discuss what you think is going on with the difference in IQ in the 2 runs I did showing a TX Vs a Fury X.

For clarification, all I did was alter the colour slightly on the Fury X to suit my preference and when switching over to the TX, I didn't touch anything (it was only for a couple of hours in comparison tests).

Points to note are:

  • I used DDU before installing the Fury X
  • I used DDU before installing the TX
  • I use a capture card (avermedia LGP lite) for both runs
  • Both these runs were the exact same quality settings
  • nothing is touched in the CCC or NVCP
  • All settings are exactly the same for both runs

Now I do have an interest in this and what people think. The IQ of AMD is better than the IQ of Nvidia out the box IMO but I don't personally think there is anything in it however, I also noticed the draw distance on the kerb line is muddy on the TX but not on the Fury X, so something could be amiss.

Please be nice to each other and respectful is good. Don't turn it into a war.
It is a shame my capture card only records 30fps, as I really feel this doesn't help. I seriously don't think that anything is amiss or untoward but the IQ on the Fury does look better. When I switch back over to the Titan, I will record a run with ShadowPlay and see if the quality is any better.

I am now encoding my review and that will take a few mins as it is quite long and I do waffle a bit (sorry lol) but will deffo do the SP recording tomorrow and let you guys decide if anything is up. I doubt it is the capture card either, as it was set the same for the video in question.... More investigating needed for sure.
Since this hasn't been noticed by anyone else and I personally and some others can't seem to replicate it I would hazard a guess it's either an error during capture (just like the several others that were made) or an intentional attempt to promote a Youtube channel through the creation of drama, in which case well played Gregster. ;)

It could also be the type of issue that pops up when you start mixing video cards in a single system without fresh installs of the operating system or game.

I told everyone the things I had done and I didn't do anything more or anything less. I also told why I do the vids and I will continue to do the vids but to think I deliberately did something for the purposes of drama is frankly pathetic.

People are comparing low quality compressed vids and trying to see something that I genuinely feel isn't there. The game looks just as good to me on AMD or Nvidia.
This should become a regular feature on your YouTube channel.

You can call it "Greg's monthly can o' worms".

Next month's edition, "My silent Fury X".

Haha, good shout. I never expected a crappy recording to draw so much attention but if there is something amiss, good stuff. I am re-doing the run but walking it this time and staying on a line and using GVR for AMD and ShadowPlay for Nvidia. Both record in great quality, so hopefully it will make things a little clearer to see. Also playing at 1440P and recording at 1080P, so should help with youtube compression. I would have recorded at 1440P but GVR doesn't :(
Right, back on the Nvidia card and just need to record some footage...... Which will be done after work at 10pm tonight :(
Just wait till tonight chaps. I will have much better 60fps video's for comparison. I will also add screen shots and that should show things better. Just don't try and find something that isn't there though and watch with an open mind.
This is gonna sound odd, but have you tried the TX connected via DP to the monitor to see if that makes any difference?

Could it be something to do with the way Nvidia cards use HDMI colour compression to do 4K+60Hz without HDMI 2.0? (I know the TX has HDMI 2.0 but if the HDMI capture device doesn't it may be that the card is seeing a sub HDMI 2.0 connection and activating it's chroma subsampling /shrug).


The way it is setup is.

DP from GPU to monitor on AMD and Nvidia
HDMI from GPU to capture card on AMD and NVIDIA
Screen Resolution is set to duplicate monitor 1 on monitor 2 (cap card) on both AMD and Nvidia.
For the video in the OP, settings were recording 1080P 30fps @30mbs on both.
Final vids are put into Vegas, split and then encoded. Finally uploaded to youtube.

Essentially, the same exact for both, so if there is a discrepancy, it will show up but the vid is such poor quality, it would be unwise to compare.

Tonight will be encoded with much better quality settings, so discrepancies should show and screens will also be shown for scrutiny.
I'd be interested in seeing the difference between the default "quality" setting in the nvidia control panel and the "high quality" setting which removes a lot of the optimised features to give the best image quality possible personally.

This is something I will also be doing. I will do a run with "prefer max performance" and "prefer max quality" I am wondering if there is an AF difference in my run. No idea what it was on before but it will be interesting to find out. Anyone fancy looking into this whilst I sweat at work?:p
Waste of time mate, I've seen about 10 such posts across various forums now and if it were a real issue the top media outlets would have been all over it by now.

AMD users will cling to Gregster's video because it's all they have to promote Fury over 980Ti regardless of it being an obvious issue (intentional or not) at Gregster's end, he's had some fantastic publicity thanks to the desperation of shankly etc spamming it everywhere and he'd look stupid to admit to a testing fault now, especially considering the basic ones he's already had to admit and the obvious black crush on Fury's side that I've been pointing out and that AMD users don't want to talk about (which is probably another fault at Gregster's end as well).

Getting a bit bored of this now. You seem to be quite bitter about my video that was made to show a TX Vs a Fury X. Do you own either? What testing have you done? Show me your vids and I will dissect them.

I am not a professional and just a hobbyist so get off my back please.
Crinkle, I have been accused of gimping AF purposefully in the Fury owners thread a few times albeit said with out actually saying it, so yer I am bored of it lol
Keep it up, dude.

Many people are appreciative of your efforts. It's very time consuming what you're doing, particularly swapping between the two cards. Don't let one or two bad eggs get you down.

Thanks and if I am guilty of anything, it is being a noob with a capture card :D I will get better though.
Agreed. I enjoy watching his videos (the voice), to me it comes over as being genuine, even if I may at times not agree with something being said, I know he is likely telling the truth from his perspective.

It is nice to watch reviews from people like gregster, at least it is less likely that he is in contact with one company or the other, so we can count on his opinion rather than someone worried to **** them off and miss out on a free review sample in the future.

Keep up the good work Gregster fella :)

As for mmj, lambchop and dp, give it a rest ;)

Thanks and I am always appreciative of positive comments like this. The last bit about mmj, chop and d.p is harsh though and I am interested in what people think and say but not keen on being told I deliberately missed things out. This is the thread to discuss it.
I don't think you have missed anything out, I also think you have been very professional in your review.

More of the same please.:)

Thanks Kaap :)

It seems that no matter what Greg does he can't win around here. From glancing at the other thread it seems all he was doing was comparing the TX with the FURY X, it wasn't even him who picked up on the difference in IQ.

Personally i don't think there's anything shady going on here and there's most likely a simple explanation for it.

Spot on. I made this thread to stop the owners thread going off topic and I did say I don't mind the discussion but I did make the video to show performance and nothing more and nothing less.

Anyways, enough of that and time to do some Titan X recording with SP :)
Right, recording is done and now rendering. I am sure someone will pick fault with it but I have had a good day and I have tomorrow off, so go for it :D

It will take about 20 mins to encode and 10 mins to upload. I use a double pass and a few other settings for my high quality vids and it will be 60 fps, so should be easier to see if there is anything amiss. I forgot to take screenshots (sorry) but can do again if people want.
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