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AMD IQ Vs Nvidia IQ - shenanigans or something else?

4 Jun 2009
Do you mean standing up to the resident AMD mob who like to spread nonsense based on dodgy videos? I bet you all even have a system going where you report my posts in unison, can't have people upstting the status quo of swooning over AMD can we? If OCUK want to ban me then that's up to them but this forum will be all the worse for it sending it yet further into pro-AMD territory, you only have to read the Anandtech thread where people are openly commenting on being "ashamed of Radeon fans" because of some of the zealotry present here. I'm not going to be bullied/intimidated by the resident AMD mob.

How many times has Gregster admitted to making mistakes in this video now? how many people/reviewers have replicated this anomoly? I'm one of the few people on this forum who has been saying from the beginning that AF is just not enabled for whatever reason, just like others have been finding.


Yeah this forum is really pro AMD isn't it with all the pro nvidia and AMD are doomed threads/posts, right?

There are only 1-3 strong AMD fans on here where as you have at least 5 strong nvidia fans who are far more vocal than the AMD fans.

Oh and is this still rubbish?

Max quality in NVCP:


Default quality in NVCP:


So then aside from something possibly being messed up on Gregster's end, what other "excuse" do you have for this? Image quality still not good enough?

I haven't seen any reviewers mention about this issue yet, care to link? Also, have they mentioned what NVCP settings they are using?


Waste of time mate, I've seen about 10 such posts across various forums now and if it were a real issue the top media outlets would have been all over it by now.

AMD users will cling to Gregster's video because it's all they have to promote Fury over 980Ti regardless of it being an obvious issue (intentional or not) at Gregster's end, he's had some fantastic publicity thanks to the desperation of shankly etc spamming it everywhere and he'd look stupid to admit to a testing fault now, especially considering the basic ones he's already had to admit and the obvious black crush on Fury's side that I've been pointing out and that AMD users don't want to talk about (which is probably another fault at Gregster's end as well).

When you post crap like this, it just shows how completely deluded you are and I don't think anyone can take a single post of yours seriously now.

At least drunkenmaster has admitted to having shares in AMD, what about you? Any shares in nvidia?

Your welcome.

My NVCP is:

Thanks. So how does that same spot look with all default settings?

If it looks just as good with the default settings then the problem is on Greg's end.


Nothing wrong with using the video. If it was a recording/compression issue then BOTH halves of the video would have been effected. Recording issues wont cause LOD problems.

Yeah he can't seem to understand that....

Either way, the video isn't needed now as gregster has uploaded untouched screenshots although knowing mmj, he will probably say something daft like gregster must have removed the detail via photoshop.....
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7 Feb 2015
South West
Yeah he can't seem to understand that....

Either way, the video isn't needed now as gregster has uploaded untouched screenshots although knowing mmj, he will probably say something daft like gregster must have removed the detail via photoshop.....

I seen a few shops in my day. There is definitely a shopped pixel at x720 y1048
26 Dec 2003
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings to create controversy and fish for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch that is preventing AF from working properly.
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28 May 2007
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings fishing for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch.

Greg is an Nvidia Fanboy and happily admits that. Why would he intentionally then go and try to make Nvidia look bad. Your clutching at straws. There could be a problem on his end but I very much doubt he intentionally changed settings to make Nvidia's iq look worse.

I might not always agree with Gregster opinions but after watching his reviews of the 290x and Fury X I can see he has been pretty fair with them. Another nod towards your Fury X review Greg.
7 Feb 2015
South West
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings to create controversy and fish for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch that is preventing AF from working properly.

Greg's titan is also running at 1.3ghz, far above stock boost.

Also, you have no need to reinstall the O/S or game when switching cards. A good driver clean and deleting/changing the games settings will do.
14 Dec 2013
There is no way Greg is manipulating results, what possible benefit would doing so bring him?

And Greg seems to be putting a lot of time into this without adding more messing about reinstalling Windows, that would be a real faff!
4 Jun 2009
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings to create controversy and fish for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch that is preventing AF from working properly.


A "few" FPS you say:





Or are these nvidia biased review sites? Or are they manipulating results too?

Back to the drawing board you go.
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21 Oct 2002
And Greg seems to be putting a lot of time into this without adding more messing about reinstalling Windows, that would be a real faff!

Reinstalling windows each time, yup that would be a right pain in the posterior.
Maybe two identical SSD's with a cloned copy of the same install, only differing by the GPU drivers. Get your wallet out again greg. ;)
14 Dec 2013
Reinstalling windows each time, yup that would be a right pain in the posterior.
Maybe two identical SSD's with a cloned copy of the same install, only differing by the GPU drivers. Get your wallet out again greg. ;)

That's true, but I bet even if he did have 2 identical drives and switched between them some people would still nit-pick at his methodology. :p
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
It doesn't matter what I do, there will always be someone to nit-pick lol :D

I am happy with the way I am doing it but it would be good to be able to record MSI AB with GVR - It doesn't seem to want to work but there must be away? Anyone? Please? :p
10 Oct 2012
Half the users in here makes it out to be some sort of conspiracy that the default options in NVCP may not lead to the maximum image quality. Here is the thing though, the options are right there for you as a user to tink with pretty easily. Do we hammer AMD for not enabling the maximum antialiasing from the start? no that would be absurd. YOU *points finger* are suppose to be a PC gamer/user, with that comes the knowledge of changing around basic options to your liking and as long as you have a choice there is absolutely nothing to complain about.

We as pc entusiasts and general gamers are sometimes acting a bit entitled, as in it has to be like we as a single person wants it to be from the beginning despite having the options to change it to our liking if it does not suit our taste. Its like going into a buffet and complain about the pasta isnt next to the meatballs but instead 1½ meter further away.

Stuff IMHO we should be complaining about is when it comes to hardware manufactors:
Driver bugs leading to performance loss, loss of function or total inoperability.
False adverticement of products.
Direct or indirect(but intentionally) sabotage of competitors products

Im sure the list goes on. These subjects deserves the attention and not wether an option you already have access to is turned on or off. This is just my personal opinion. I come in peace.. sorta.
7 Feb 2015
South West
Half the users in here makes it out to be some sort of conspiracy that the default options in NVCP may not lead to the maximum image quality.

False adverticement of products.

But statement 1 leads to statement 2 if there is an issue. which we found there is in gregs case. It is a matter if it happens with everyone or not. Then we will know if its an issue in the drivers or just with gregs setup.

1 can lead to 2 if reviewers do not check and equalise the IQ when testing. especially if they go by default driver options and trust the game settings.
24 Mar 2004
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings to create controversy and fish for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch that is preventing AF from working properly.
i cant see gregster intentionally manipulating settings mate, if im honest.
25 Nov 2011
Half the users in here makes it out to be some sort of conspiracy that the default options in NVCP may not lead to the maximum image quality. Here is the thing though, the options are right there for you as a user to tink with pretty easily. Do we hammer AMD for not enabling the maximum antialiasing from the start? no that would be absurd. YOU *points finger* are suppose to be a PC gamer/user, with that comes the knowledge of changing around basic options to your liking and as long as you have a choice there is absolutely nothing to complain about.

We as pc entusiasts and general gamers are sometimes acting a bit entitled, as in it has to be like we as a single person wants it to be from the beginning despite having the options to change it to our liking if it does not suit our taste. Its like going into a buffet and complain about the pasta isnt next to the meatballs but instead 1½ meter further away.

Stuff IMHO we should be complaining about is when it comes to hardware manufactors:
Driver bugs leading to performance loss, loss of function or total inoperability.
False adverticement of products.
Direct or indirect(but intentionally) sabotage of competitors products

Im sure the list goes on. These subjects deserves the attention and not wether an option you already have access to is turned on or off. This is just my personal opinion. I come in peace.. sorta.

The point here is AMD leave it down to the Application to control it.. = What it should be when Benching a game..
Lets say for a min AMD default AA was SSAA x4 and Nvidia default was FXAA

AMD gets 30fps but Nvidia gets 90fps does this make for a fair bench result?

8 Jul 2003
In a house
Look at any launch review and the Fury and Titan are within a few frames of one another in BF4, according to Gregster's video the Titan is roughly 30-40% faster which is a sure sign that it is not rendering anywhere near as much detail as what it should be.

Gregster is either intentionally manipulating settings to create controversy and fish for views and playing dumb or his switching of GPU's without re-installing the OS and/or BF4 is causing some sort of software glitch that is preventing AF from working properly.

4 Jun 2009
The problem is the official review sites phix.

They "most likely" use the default settings and here is the issue, they don't mention in their review what the gpu driver settings are or compare image quality. They only adjust in game settings and look at the performance, as a result if the image quality is indeed being downgraded due to the default nvidia CP settings and thus giving the performance boost then it isn't a fair test. This leads to nvidia GPU's looking quite a bit better but... in fact they aren't really because the IQ is being downgraded in order to get that extra performance.

Going by Gregster's comparison, there is about a 12FPS difference between the NVCP settings on his TX, which is in line with all the reviews difference in performance between a furyx and 980ti/TX in battlefield 4.

Also, I would be willing to bet up until this thread, the majority of people leave that stuff to default (I did until I asked specifically in the AMD driver thread what settings I should use)

Of course AMD also adjust performance/graphics from within AMD CCC, however, by the looks of it, nowhere to same extent.
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