That's to be expected. You must remember this is just a subset. Admitted from their own camp.
One thing that is dafly omitted is the fact that we're not playing PC exclusive games anymore. While some have come into this platform having not known of PC exclusive games. Moving forward, the majority of games that you play are going to come from console.
And yet you have a few alarmist proclaiming dlss 2.0 when it's only been exhibited in just one game. Just one game LOL. There is no other announcement of any other game using dlss 2.0. Yet they want you to believe that AMD must take it seriously. It's like making a mountain out of a simple ant hill.
Furthermore, as mentioned by other users in this thread Nvidia is not a charity. What that means is they're not going to allow dlss from a 2000 series turing to be on par with ampere. They would never sell ampere, lol. That is the true focus of what the green camp needs to be concerned about. Not what they think AMD needs to do.
The truth is though, unfortunately, some of them really do believe that with dlss and their 2000 series card that they are going to be a few frames behind ampere. Which is a sad delusion.
The point of all this is that they will stay with Nvidia be an ampere or turing.
Truth is AMD does have a few feature sets of their own which they will announce once the card is released. Another thing is their conjunction with Microsoft in which, from initial tes, allowed you to download games via power shell directly from console. No more .exe.
But let us not kid ourselves adrenaline drivers are feature-rich already.