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AMD Polaris architecture – GCN 4.0

They said late June for launch in that article - I said late June or July would be when the launch would happen and people thought I was wrong! :p

Firstly: That is a rumour, not a fact yet.
Secondly: Launch doesn't mean in stock ready to buy
Thirdly: You never said July, you were going on about May and June. I explicitly said that they might appear in July, you were trying to claim it would be earlier. I even gave you evidence that most back to school sales occur in July and August which you repeatedly ignored.
Fourthly: My only point was I wouldn't count Polaris as Late unless it doesn't appear by the middle of August, because that is when peak Back to School sales begin. I never one said I though Polaris wouldn't appear earlier, I was defending AMD if they don't have stock by mid august.

Comment removed..
Yup I expect there will be loads on show at Computex from both camps, as that is the ideal place for AIB to show off the new (same old coolers) cards with the new chips in.
you'd think with them being a lot less power this time they will run cooler
still i hope there isnt a wait for the coolers
you'd think with them being a lot less power this time they will run cooler
still i hope there isnt a wait for the coolers

not sure how you reason, present cards in June, out in June... how then is there any wait? :confused:

This die shrink the new generation 14nm Polaris card will be cooler, faster and better than previously (duh!) and be brighter for shades.:cool:
14nm will replace asap all existing line ups since you have lower power for the same performance and more and that has started the 28nm phasing out.

AMD will have Polaris/Vega and Zen this year and a whole new line up has begin to be showcased. Personally the HDR and 1.3DP is a great thing with VR down the road.
The problem is AMD is officially on record as saying before the back to school period - in the US the back to school period is between mid July and mid September.

According to the Met Office summer starts in the third week of June.

So I would say between June and July.

Back to school in the US is August to early September, June is still at school in the previous school year!I know, because I happen to live there.

First Day of School last year was September 9th, last day is June 28th. Back to school is the last couple of weeks in august first couple in September.

Yes and if you bothered to read my posts I already said that - Google will tends to have such information.

Back to shool period is between mid July and mid September and is a marketing term for that period.

Another markett website specifically says July and August:

I know people are desperate for Polaris to be delayed biut seriously it is getting a bit tiresome.

AMD said in time for the period so I expect late June or probably July even if it is a limited launch.

The CEO said both laptops and desktops.
Any later it would miss significant parts of the period.

I'm not desperate at all, the sooner Polaris is shipped the better. I'm just stating the facts about what back to school is, as I said, I live in the Us and I know when places like Best Buy have Back to school specials and have a load of dirt cheap laptops and desktops being shoved in parent's faces. American's don't do back to school shopping in July, period. However, Polaris will have to start shipping to the OEMs in June to have a hope of shopping out in July and appearing on shelves in August.

The headline form your link:

That is around September 9th. From the data 80% of purchases are done within3-4 weeks of start of school, so August 12th-19th or so is when sales pick up. Exactly as I said.

From Wikipedia:


From the second link from the US marketing site:

Another link:


Another one:



That is over a third of purchases made in July alone with something like 65% of people doing research during that time.

The first day of summer in the US this year is the 20th of June:


No AMD show during July will probably mean less interest in Polaris as they will probably only see Maxwell based systems in laptops and desktops.

Hence,if what the AMD CEO is saying is correct,for Polaris to be ready for the back to school season and be available in the middle of the year that would be either late June or sometime during July.

August/September is not the middle of the year.

If it is any later it would technically be not the middle of the year and would not in time for the back to school season as July is still consider an important month for sales too. It would be technically delayed by what the CEO said.

Whether it is a limited launch is another question but both the HD7970 and Fury X pretty much launched first and it took weeks for stock to actually being available,since it was all on pre-order IIRC.

I expect reviews will drop sometime during late June or sometime during July and then the cards will be on pre-order or have limited quantities in computer hardware retailers.

That is most likely what we will see IMHO.

Agreed,Dave I like how D.P. is now saying a whole load of US sales and market research sites are now wrong. He first said I was wrong about July being back to school in marketing terms and once he was proven wrong tried to say I have "issues" and "junk",ie, trying silling name calling which sadly is quite common on US forums.

He desperately tries to deflect that he was proven wrong - one third of back to school sales happen in July with nearly 2/3 of buying decisions for August made in July. If AMD does not even have a soft release with reviews in July they have essentially missed the back to school period.

Google and Ipsos MORI are not amateurs in the market research field - July and August make up 83% of back to school sales according to them.
The middle or end of August would mean AMD has missed most of the critical sales period and also missed most of the research period too.

If AMD has no reviews out in July,they might as well admit Polaris has been delayed and if Nvidia get's Pascal out earlier,then AMD is in BIG trouble IMHO.

Also,D.P., don't bother replying as I will make sure I will continue repeating post 2061 til it is blue in your face since you really have issues yourself(using your own language),and seem to know better than many US sites which I quoted. Rage at them if you feel they are giving faulty data. They are US sites after all.

We will need to agree to disagree and leave it at that. If you want the last say it is your perogative,but I will ignore it.

Firstly: That is a rumour, not a fact yet.
Secondly: Launch doesn't mean in stock ready to buy
Thirdly: You never said July, you were going on about May and June. I explicitly said that they might appear in July, you were trying to claim it would be earlier. I even gave you evidence that most back to school sales occur in July and August which you repeatedly ignored.
Fourthly: My only point was I wouldn't count Polaris as Late unless it doesn't appear by the middle of August, because that is when peak Back to School sales begin. I never one said I though Polaris wouldn't appear earlier, I was defending AMD if they don't have stock by mid august.

Comment removed..

So now you lie to hide the fact you were wrong:
1.)I stated June and July. You said no.
2.)I showed evidence to support what I said and you didn't.
3.)I said a limited launch followed by availability later on based on previous AMD launches.
4.)You started getting emotional and got your comment removed

You know went round in a circle and have just admitted I was right.

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bcos stock...and hopefully not like the 290 launch where we had to wait for coolers
tho the bitmining craze was going on then which didnt help

o wow wall of text to the face :o
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So fine, you said June-July, my bad.

But my point stills stands. AMD wont be late unless they don't have stock in August for back to school.

As is August and September, with the end of August and early September being the peak. So what does that mean, AMD want Polaris laptops on the best buy shelves by mid-august at the latest, which means shipping n July, and if they want to maximize sales get things out a month earlier than that.

So these latest rumors substantiate exactly what I was saying. If AMD ship Polaris in July my prediction will be spot on.
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you dont win anything by being right
its not so important guys!

It's not that,I simply mentioned June and July would be the time AMD "releases" these for review and I was replying to somebody else too,and D.P. decided to go on insulting me regarding that exchange and twisted what I said,which is annoying,especially when I actually bothered to do some reading about it.

The problem is AMD is officially on record as saying before the back to school period - in the US the back to school period is between mid July and mid September.

According to the Met Office summer starts in the third week of June.

So I would say between June and July.

Back to school in the US is August to early September, June is still at school in the previous school year!I know, because I happen to live there.

First Day of School last year was September 9th, last day is June 28th. Back to school is the last couple of weeks in august first couple in September.

AMD launching in June/July will be meet the "back to school period" and "middle of the year period" which Lisa Su told the media a few months ago. It fits what companies like IPSOS-MORI and Google said about loads of people doing research in July too.

Also,as I mentioned going by both the HD7950/HD7970 and Fiji launches,availability was only really a few weeks later anyway,which I also mentioned.

So that also fits what Gibbo said about later on in summer too.
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