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AMD Polaris architecture – GCN 4.0

26 May 2012
Surrey, UK
Which would be hugely underwhelming. Had bigger gains from the 700 series to the 900 series.

I hope I wouldn't be alone in being upset if all we got was 15-20% more perf.

If AMD did that... that's the nail in the coffin for them. If it was Nvidia... people would move over to AMD?
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
No people would keep buying nvidia because Jen-Hsun Huang is Jesus Steve Jobs reincarnated apparently.

fixed. :D

And how true.
I say it for some time. When Nvidia pulled off the scam with the GTX970, they received applauds for cheating, instead of a heavy pelting with rotten tomatoes and eggs.

If any other company, eg AMD had done the same, the same people would have taken the streets with pitchforks and torches wanting heads to roll.
7 Feb 2015
South West
I do hope Zen also is not too bad - I can see their GPUs also being sadly tanished by their CPUs being a bit meh,so if Zen is OK,it might actually gain them a few GPU sales too.

If AMD's Coherent Fabric came to mainstream it would be another reason to go all AMD. Considering we will never see Nvlink on the desktop with an interconnect between CPU and GPU.
8 May 2014
fixed. :D

And how true.
I say it for some time. When Nvidia pulled off the scam with the GTX970, they received applauds for cheating, instead of a heavy pelting with rotten tomatoes and eggs.

If any other company, eg AMD had done the same, the same people would have taken the streets with pitchforks and torches wanting heads to roll.

so when the same card ends up being your best-seller, would you do it all over again ? :D
to be honest users get what they deserve, and what they deserve might be in the works :D
3 Sep 2010
Do you use a time machine floppy?

Built one.
Here is what Happens when you use one,
time re-set itself as if you did travel trough time then time itself bends into space and re-set itself again.

Ok gonna use it,
Built one.
Here is what Happens when you use one,
time re-set itself as if you did travel trough time then time itself bends into space and re-set itself again.

Get it? :D

Fury was hbm 1 and the cost to rebrand seems not as feasible as to just add the new GCN to Polaris and call it a day instead of so called redesign as the 28nm fury wont be as easy to fit into the 14nm die.
Its seems highly plausible as better informed people tells the tale that way without time machines.
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
fixed. :D

And how true.
I say it for some time. When Nvidia pulled off the scam with the GTX970, they received applauds for cheating, instead of a heavy pelting with rotten tomatoes and eggs.

If any other company, eg AMD had done the same, the same people would have taken the streets with pitchforks and torches wanting heads to roll.

No they didn't receive applause, they got lambasted for not giving the exact specs of the memory but it was still the same card that ran fine before the ramgate and still runs fine now.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
No they didn't receive applause, they got lambasted for not giving the exact specs of the memory but it was still the same card that ran fine before the ramgate and still runs fine now.


I find it strange that people will be quite happy using a 3gb GTX 780 or HD 7970 yet when someone mentions a GTX 970 the World seems to be coming to an end.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
fixed. :D

And how true.
I say it for some time. When Nvidia pulled off the scam with the GTX970, they received applauds for cheating, instead of a heavy pelting with rotten tomatoes and eggs.

If any other company, eg AMD had done the same, the same people would have taken the streets with pitchforks and torches wanting heads to roll.

oh Panos for god sake put a sock in it. you get corrected every time you pull that crap and yet you still try it. give it a rest. Everything you say about nvidia been cheered, being rewarded for their screwup and deliberate mis-information regarding the technical details of the 970 is fabricated nonsense. you are making it up and it's boring.
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4 Feb 2006

I find it strange that people will be quite happy using a 3gb GTX 780 or HD 7970 yet when someone mentions a GTX 970 the World seems to be coming to an end.

Those cards are 3Gb and sold as 3Gb. The 970 is for all intents and purpose a 3.5GB card but sold as a 4GB card. The 0.5GB slow memory has been effectively cut off from game usage via the drivers.

Here's a video I found which clearly shows the VRAM is limited to 3.5GB in ROTTR during gameplay when actual 4GB cards are using 3.9GB or higher.

My 290X uses 3.95GB for comparison.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
You missing the bits where it's [email protected] in game at the beginning?

Nvidia has worked some wonders recently, something has changed as it's now accessing >3.8Gb on some titles where as it wasn't before, so from me-credit where credits due.

Yes they arsed up, but they could have went silent for ~4 months and not pushed out any drivers:p

I've played up to 'stunning' in the vid, and all the way through that level, it fills to the max, flushes down to 3.6Gb and fills back up constantly, while not ideal, it's not that distracting on G-Sync.:)

Nvidia did get rewarded by plenty james, they sent them back and threw more money onto the 980 if you don't see throwing more money at a company as being a reward idk what you would call that.

If the 970 didn't have a performance issue in the first place, it wouldn't have came to light and explode in the manner it did.

Kudos to Nvidia in getting on top of it and removing the stutter for the most part.
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3 Jan 2010
Those cards are 3Gb and sold as 3Gb. The 970 is for all intents and purpose a 3.5GB card but sold as a 4GB card. The 0.5GB slow memory has been effectively cut off from game usage via the drivers.

Here's a video I found which clearly shows the VRAM is limited to 3.5GB in ROTTR during gameplay when actual 4GB cards are using 3.9GB or higher.

My 290X uses 3.95GB for comparison.

Not room mention the vram debate was also further fired up by Nvidia fans anyway as there was a lot of 'poo poo 4gb is enough for any game' when it came to 970 but when it came to fury with hbm memory (still not sure how much that actually helps vs higher standard ram thanks to all the misinformation and trolls) suddenly 4gb wasn't enough and you needed a 980ti lest you run out of ram on ... no games really. I regularly heard those arguments that by the time you reach 4gb vram you'll not have enough horsepower in card to run it but people were sure not saying that when promoting the 980ti. Just a thought anyway but the vram debate (as mentioned by the guy you replied to) was fanned from both sides really.

I'd like to know if hbm does help mitigate higher need for vram because it sounds like some pascal and polaris could use it of course.
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17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
Nvidia has worked some wonders recently, something has changed as it's now accessing >3.8Gb on some titles where as it wasn't before, so from me-credit where credits due.

What titles?
Nvidia did get rewarded by plenty james, they sent them back and threw more money onto the 980 if you don't see throwing more money at a company as being a reward idk what you would call that.

Returns were less than 5% last time gibbo mentioned it - a drop in the ocean and that's assuming everybody who returned a card bought a 980.
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
Those cards are 3Gb and sold as 3Gb. The 970 is for all intents and purpose a 3.5GB card but sold as a 4GB card. The 0.5GB slow memory has been effectively cut off from game usage via the drivers.

Here's a video I found which clearly shows the VRAM is limited to 3.5GB in ROTTR during gameplay when actual 4GB cards are using 3.9GB or higher.

My 290X uses 3.95GB for comparison.

People can go on about this for ever but the bottom line is the GTX 970 is still selling by the lorry load.
3 Jan 2010
People can go on about this for ever but the bottom line is the GTX 970 is still selling by the lorry load.
So is Justin Bieber, Apple, cigarettes and crappie cars amongst many other things. Sales are what they are and can be got in many ways (like when Intel paid companies to not use AMD processors in laptops, was that AMD selling bad because there products was vastly inferior or back scene corruption?) Still 970 wasn't that big a deal in my mind but let's be honest, sales aren't always an indicator of quality.
4 Feb 2006
You missing the bits where it's [email protected] in game at the beginning?

The 3.9Gb at the beginning is during a cutscene where frametimes may not be critical so the extra 0.5Gb may be used. As soon as actual gameplay starts it drops to 3.55GB. The game will most likely use lower quality textures/assets in realtime gameplay to stay below the 3.5GB driver imposed limit.

The drivers have worked around the issue but still it is false advertising.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
What titles?

SOM, never ever went above 3.8Gb, now after rechecking again, it's using the whole lot, nearly every other game I've played before was >3.8Gb max and it didn't budge.

Returns were less than 5% last time gibbo mentioned it - a drop in the ocean and that's assuming everybody who returned a card bought a 980.


The answer should have been along the lines of fair enough, not another OcUK sidestep, some did reward with a 980 purchase which is completely and utterly unarguable.

BTW, I'm being highly positive of the 970 to the point that even if it still went to 3.8Gb as a hard limit, I'd still recommend it over anything AMD has to offer due to the amount of GW's titles.:)
Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
So is Justin Bieber, Apple, cigarettes and crappie cars amongst many other things. Sales are what they are and can be got in many ways (like when Intel paid companies to not use AMD processors in laptops, was that AMD selling bad because there products was vastly inferior or back scene corruption?) Still 970 wasn't that big a deal in my mind but let's be honest, sales aren't always an indicator of quality.

Sales may not be an indicator of quality but the GTX 970 is fit for purpose or people would be RMAing them.

If Humbug is quite happy to use one they must be fit for purpose !!!
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