Last night whilst tinkering with my bios to solve my strange voltage dropping issue, i seem to have managed to fry my computer!!
I was running 18.5x205= 3.8ghz with 2460mhz cpunb abd ht at 1.425v vcore and 1.2v nb, ram at 1640mhz all nice and stable except for voltage dropping and multiplier changing to 4 at 55 degrees.
I changed 1 setting which caused my pc to die a quick death: ADVANCED CLOCK CALIBRATION. I changed this from Auto, to ALL CORES and changed the default value of -2% to 0%.
Saved and rebooted, pc died. Now i press the power button, the fans rotate about once and dies after a split second. Nothing else happens, doesn't post whatsoever.
My plan of action is, bios reset. Test psu, then point fingers at the motherboard being fried?
If the bios was knackered, there is at least backup bios and it would still turn on, same as the cpu (which never blow up), it would still boot. Anyone agree it'll be the mobo? Why was that the setting of doom? Or coincidence.
Thanks all.