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Thank you. I gather the information can be shared once you email it out? For the people who haven't pre ordered they won't get that information. I gather they would be free to post it on the forums?

You should not, hence I will put hints in the email, because it is under NDA and price is not yet confirmed on 290 but of course it will cost less than R290X. Just how much is anyone's guess, I have a good guess but can't share at present.
Hi there I've only over clocked press sample and sapphire, they both did the same OC, I'd suspect they were both Hynix, I'll crack them open today.

Now remember guys no other etailor would do this, be up all night talking to you guys and keeping you so informed, so remember that please, we at OcUK really do go that extra edge.

However this time I do need to back out on pyramid building, were just too busy. :(
OCUK don't stock XFX GPU's, ever.

Buried somewhere in the R9 290X thread there are details of an XFX and HIS 290X, the XFX one had Elpida Memory IC's (don't want) while the HIS had Hynix (do want)

XFX always go cheap on the Memory IC's, HIS are one of those Brands that are under rated, they always overclock well and are always reliable.

The only time we will sell XFX is if it's as an OcUK value and only then if stocks are real tight and is an absolute must.
Gibbo might be running the card in silent mode and so it gets very hot, in uber mode it's not as silent but runs a lot cooler.

Hi m8

What do you mean by this, we can't find anything in regards to a silent mode / uber mode, do you know more about this?

So far I have checked the following cards:-

Sapphire R290X BF4 - SK Hynix
Sapphire R290 - Elpida
Asus R290X BF4 - SK Hynix
Gigabyte R290X BF4 - Elpida
AMD Press R290X - SK Hynix

MSI R290X BF4 - Yet to arrive
HIS R290X BF4 - Yet to arrive
HIS R290 - Yet to arrive

From our testing:-

SK Hynix does 5800-6200MHz with stock voltage
Elpida does 5400 - 5700Mhz with stock voltage

SK Hynix is better clocking memory. :)

OcUK gave you this info, as me and RJK just spent the morning pulling the different brands apart.

Were now adding some compound as well to the Press sample to see if we get a noticeable reduction in temperatures, which we shall add to our review.
Thanks for dedication Gibbo just One more question if you can answer.
Do any of cards you took apart had any crappy stickers on screws?? Just asking for Water cooling purposes/warranty heh

Asus has a warranty sticker over a screw.

Sapphire and Gigabyte does not.

HIS and MSI I shall check later/tomorrow, waiting on delivery still.
6200 is only 1550mhz. I'd expect it will be possible to get more from it. Nonetheless thats very close to 400gb of bandwidth.

I can only coax the cards into giving a little more voltage by setting power limit to +50 and setting low GPU temperature card.

Keep the card cool, use +50 power and the card adds a little more voltage automatically. Once you've coaxed it 6000MHz is stable, but not until the card has warmed up and started increasing it voltages within the set tolerances.

Elpida 5700Mhz is the limit, maybe 5800 if your lucky, Hynix is better for sure by 200-400MHz.

These cards are crying out for custom/voltage control, I hope software comes out, otherwise we shall have to wait for customPCB designs from AIB's before we get voltage control. I hope software comes out as I feel the card has way more OC potential with a few extra volts, even on stock cooler, put it under water and these things will absolutely fly.
Damn, i guess you can't be sure what your getting.

No it is impossible.

Next month they could all be using different again, the board partners probably pay the same or very similar as it will be on contract pricing.

So what I am saying now for this first batch, might not stand for future batches.

Though Gigabyte was cheap and Asus crazy expensive, but that's probably just Asus with their brand tax. ;)
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