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AMD Radeon R9 Nano coming next week

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18 Oct 2002
Why is HDMI 2.0 important? (No trolling just asking :D )

To get 60Hz on a 4K TV.

I can imagine the Nano would be enticing for a small form factor media PC connected to people's 4k TV, but lack of HDMi2.0 will likely see people go for the ITX 970.
7 Jun 2010
Is it confirmed that the Nano doesn't have HDMI 2.0? The only evidence I've seen either way was a French article from June that said it would have it.
8 Mar 2010
Fury is the high performance line. The nano doesn't have the performance to earn the Fury name.

I disagree. Its is supposed to be a top end card for mini form factor so it deserves the name if it is that. It doesn't necessarily need to perform like a "big" fury. I suppose I think of it in the same sort of way as a laptop gpu. 980m is nothing compared to desktop 980 but a 980 by laptop standards. AMD did say it would outperform a 290x, however if it turns out to be poor performing mini card I retract my statement :D
20 Jan 2011
I don't understand if it performs similar to the 970/980 then AMD already have the 390/390x in that position (apart from sff size) with the 290x below that and the r9 Fury just above it. Almost seems like the gpu market is too crammed at the moment with lots of cards with close performance specs and prices
12 Sep 2013
I disagree. Its is supposed to be a top end card for mini form factor so it deserves the name if it is that. It doesn't necessarily need to perform like a "big" fury. I suppose I think of it in the same sort of way as a laptop gpu. 980m is nothing compared to desktop 980 but a 980 by laptop standards. AMD did say it would outperform a 290x, however if it turns out to be poor performing mini card I retract my statement :D

If it beats or even matches the 290x on the new optimized drivers it'll be a great little card but I'm inclined to think AMD are bending the facts as usual and it's probably matching it on earlier drivers. I imagine it'll be slower at 1080p and faster at 4k as we've seen with the HBM cards.
19 Feb 2011
It will be rubbish like the fury and furyX, I've given up PC gaming for now except for diablo3 as it runs sweet on my current setup.

I won't buy AMD's current crop of junk right now and flatly refuse to support Nvidia with a single penny ever again.

Was hoping the furyX and fury cards would be great, they aren't, so I expect this spud to be more of the same, underperformaning and overpriced with no free games.

No wonder AMD going down the pan faster than last night curry haha. Best thing they could have done is pulled the fury and Nano after the farce of the furyX with its bad cooler and limited stock until they had both those sorted, and then revised both. As it stands now you just get to fork out a lot of cash for subpar hardware and have the pleasure of a lottery on actually getting a card without some form of defect, after you have waited weeks upon weeks for it to arrive

Well done AMD
24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Interested if priced right.

However I actually think everything above the 980 at the moment is just crazily priced, and AMD are really the worst offenders.
26 May 2014
I think the 980 is the worst offender of all, personally. It's fine when OCUK or whoever are dropping certain models down to £350 with a free game as one-off deals, but most are still priced at well over £400 as standard. That's way, way too much of a premium over the 970 considering the relative performance, and too close to the 980 Ti as well.
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12 Sep 2013
It will be rubbish like the fury and furyX, I've given up PC gaming for now except for diablo3 as it runs sweet on my current setup.

I won't buy AMD's current crop of junk right now and flatly refuse to support Nvidia with a single penny ever again.

Was hoping the furyX and fury cards would be great, they aren't, so I expect this spud to be more of the same, underperformaning and overpriced with no free games.

No wonder AMD going down the pan faster than last night curry haha. Best thing they could have done is pulled the fury and Nano after the farce of the furyX with its bad cooler and limited stock until they had both those sorted, and then revised both. As it stands now you just get to fork out a lot of cash for subpar hardware and have the pleasure of a lottery on actually getting a card without some form of defect, after you have waited weeks upon weeks for it to arrive

Well done AMD

I haven't seen an unhappy Fury Tri-x owner yet, The Fury X sure, It's been a terrible launch and they haven't solved the problems it's like there trying to push the whistle stock out among fixed stock hoping they'll slip through. There mistake was not doing an air cooler Fury X.
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