Then wait until Intel releases its 6C core Coffee Lake CPUs at the end of the year,there will be more price movement. You need to care about current pricing since AMD is pricing relative to Intel and as long as AMD gets reasonable IPC,the R7 1700 is 32% of the price of the Core i7 6900K. You need to be reasonable. There is a picture of a company offering an entire R7 1700 build for the price of a Core i7 6900K CPU ALONE in the US.
Consider this too - the R7 1700 comes with a stock cooler which the K series don't have,and unless you really want to push an overclock(or don't overclock) the motherboards will still be cheaper than the socket 2011 ones.
Unless Ryzen fails in the IPC department(is less than say Haswell for example),its the biggest change in CPU pricing for a very long time.
I think you need to consider AMD is on record saying almost all their R and D spend was on Zen in the last two to three years(IIRC) and it means they even slowed down in the GPU area to accommodate that(which explains the last few releases since the R9 290 series).
So,basically they are hedging on Ryzen making decent money - so you can't expect them to price it for absolute peanuts and make hedges for a 20% devaluation in the pound otherwise they will become bankrupt. They are already massively undercutting Intel as it is.
If its too expensive you need to wait until Intel responds or look to buy a secondhand R7 1700 at some point.
No because I don't see you going into Intel threads all the time saying the same in the last week??
So basically you are saying you have an entitlement complex and want to ON PURPOSE ignore the pricing of the £1000 Core i7 6900K,or the 20% devaluation in the pound since it does not fit your argument.
This is exactly what happens in the GPU section - I still remember some people moaning on how the HD5870 was too expensive for a ATI/AMD card,etc yet on purpose ignored the GTX285,etc.
You deflected on purpose once I pointed out that the R7 1700 would have been £270ish already if it were not for the pound devaluation.
The best thing with people like you is to buy secondhand or behind the curve - every new CPU release is going to make you sad then.
Or better still buy a Core i7 6900K!!
I think I know what you and your mate are trying to do here.
I did the wrong thing replying.
Don't waste your time on them. When someone lacks logic, it's like talking to a brick wall.