IMO it's more about creating a larger user base of PC's with more processing cores which in turn should encourage software developers to write and develop games and applications that can take advantage of those extra resources. For far to long thanks to the lack of competition and Intel stiffing the market mainstream PC users have been stuck with 4 cores or 4 cores with hyperthreading (I think the Q6600 was the first ever mainstream quad core Intel chip which was released over 10 years ago), it's been going on for so long now we've fell into haze and accepted that 4 cores is as good as it gets for most of us and we don't need more.
Once example I can think off is a game like Total War were the large battles you can generate require a beastly PC to run smoothly. One of the reasons why it's so demanding is the huge processing requirements for AI and pathfinding. Currently Creative Assembly use a technique called block AI which gives every cohort/infantry group it's own AI algorithms as it's simply to demanding to give it each individual unit it's own AI. Perhaps this could all change now 8 core systems will be more prevalent in the next few years.
developers have been working primailry with 8 core systems since the ps4/xbone release, and nothing's changed.
even in games that are considered the best multi threaded titles like battlefield 1 on frostbite and doom on id tech 6 still prefer 4 faster cores over 8 slower cores. ipc and clock speed is and always will be king in gaming