Change of mind I see Kaaps, I recall back when this thread started you also agreed with me that Vega would be able to match/beat Titan XP performance
In my opinion there is definitely benefit if AMD can come out and beat Titan XP performance. At least for a short while they will have the performance crown once again. But I just do not see the issue with it really, the fabs have been churning out Titan XP sized die's for ages now and the process will have only been more mature and efficient by the time Vega is out. If Nvidia are able to make them, so can AMD; the question is the Vega architecture any good to deliver the performance to match what Nvidia will have had for a year by the time Vega is out.
I think I am the only one left here at this point who thinks Vega can/will match or beat Titan XP performance. Most seem to still think Vega will be lucky to go head to head with 1070/80