I think it is a good possibility. Such a big redesign, so many new things. Hopefully they will get the best out of HBM2 also as it will have been designed from the ground up using that tech.Just say for example, the Vega big GPU is as fast as a 1080ti will nvidia pull a 280 GTX and lop a huge chunk of the price? Or will they ride it out knowing they have the market share and the brand recognition?
Just to clarify this isn't what I think will happen, just a what if.
Another benefit I can see is Vega improving over time as new games come out. I can see big games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Star Citizen making good use of the new tech and those are two big games I am really looking forward to on the PC. So as long as day one performance is at least close to 1080Ti, you can be sure it will get better with time and end up ahead. FineWine Technology