Final8y, post: AMD is gaining market share while NV is gaining all the profits.
AMD could have 50% market share and not even make half the profits that NV is making, it would likely be a 75% 25% profit split at best.
It would take many generations of having good market share to start gaining the profits.
So AMD comes out with a good high end that competes for one gen, undercuts hard gets some market share from the high end back then NV uses it resources to fight back, then next NV gets ahead of AMD as is the norm but because AMD undercut so much with its current card has not the resources to counter back in any meaningful time scale and we are back to where we are right now, but AMD may have a bit more market share and then start bleeding marketshare again at the high end for another gen until they can make another competing card at the high end.
Its going to be 2 steps forwards and 1 step back for AMD for a while yet, because its not just about the price, AMD has to overcome brand loyalty, perception and good marketing which one high end at an incredible price card from AMD will not overcome long term.
If anything Its from what NV is doing themselves which could help accelerate AMDs gains if AMD does not keep missing the opportunities.