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AMD VEGA confirmed for 2017 H1

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Got money here waiting, if June comes and Vega is either delayed or rubbish, I'm not hesitating and just ploughing it all in to a 1080ti. It's been a long wait for something high end, if they get this wrong I'm 100% finished with AMD. I want power and I want to enjoy gaming, I'll just have to give up on Freesync.
Got money here waiting, if June comes and Vega is either delayed or rubbish, I'm not hesitating and just ploughing it all in to a 1080ti. It's been a long wait for something high end, if they get this wrong I'm 100% finished with AMD. I want power and I want to enjoy gaming, I'll just have to give up on Freesync.

I can understand where you are comming from. Its AMDs biggest weakness right now the inability to launch top tier competing products for gamers around the same time nvidia is instead of a year later. Now i understand it is so for a reason but it doesnt make it less regretful. Second i find most of the gsync monitors uninteresting as they are offered by Acer or Asus both companies i do not like as monitor manufacturers so it sucks if you have to say goodbye to a good wide selection of freesync panels due to AMD being way to slow to market. This is of course my personal opinion after owning several from each brand.
Just don't know what to do. Found a good Gsync monitor at a price I'm willing to pay. Would get a 1070 as well.

Gonna be hard to hold on much longer....

Almost ready to pull the trigger...

Yup I got bored waiting too xD

I know how you feel. AMD make some great products, but don't half take their time..

At least we got Ryzen, which really is awesome. Hopefully same can be said for VEGA. When it eventually appears.
Why i do not like AMD as a tech fan due to this
These are from their "Why do you rebel" generator:

I rebel against anti-consumer practices

I rebel for linux support

I rebel for open software collaborations

I rebel for a close-knit gaming community

I rebel for the perfect multi-kill replay

I rebel for smooth framerates

I rebel for clutch 1v1

I rebel for full control over my GPU

I rebel for a community that builds it forward

I rebel for chilled GPU temps

I rebel for day 1 drivers

I rebel for more Vulkan support

I rebel for the flexibility of PC gaming

I rebel for open standards

I rebel against proprietary technologies

I rebel for consumer privacy

I rebel for the LAN experience

I rebel for indie games


And creating this type of advertisement, creating hate against other brand, brainwash, and creating a cult is to me is a simply a **** move from AMD.

This type simply show the depression of AMD to sell there products and creating hate for other brand. They are simply saying that Nvidia is an establishment of evil corporation and AMD is freedom fighters, angle and good people fighting against them.

Creating this type of promotion is better that AMD sell its self and creating products like RX 580 is better that they do not create any GPU.

to me the list of reasons is much smaller than that.
enjoy :D , srry couldn't resist !
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It can be Q1- 2018 for gaming purpose ,however, they can launch VEGA card for Pro market in June 2017.

Hmmm not good. I'm waiting for a new card so I can upgrade my monitor.

This is not good news.

Unlikely, I can't imagine they'd be pulling the wool over our eyes knowing full well we are all expecting a 1h 2017 release date and how long we've waited already,
It would be suicidal to not tell us as soon as they knew they couldn't make the date, If it is the case I'm grabbing a ti and if the experience is lacking due to no Freesync I'll look into selling
my monitor and getting a G-sync version which would mean I'm done with AMD and waiting. I doubt I'd be the only one to give up and do that either.

erm a lot of your list has me confused.. so the list above is why you are anti AMD ? wow am i missing something here!!

A straight jacket might help :D

Could it be why they've released their 400s again, as it does seem odd, putting them back out again, when Vega is supposedly only a couple of weeks away.

Could be why they just upped the number to a 5, to tide them over, and as everyone says, these are the cards where the sales are, and the market is. :p

It is extremely unlikely this video is correct. Vega's still targeted for this quarter, meaning 31st June the absolute latest.

If you're all on about the what was said at the start of the Tech of Tomorrow video it's pretty obvious he said it for the uproar it would create and the inevitable clicks his channel would get because of it,
He'll simply come up with some bull about how he was really tired and it was a mistake, As I said Elric is that sort of douchebag.

Yer, that was aimed at the last 4 pages :D

I really do hope AMD have a blinder of a card in Vega though and Freesync2 will make sure the chaff from the wheat is sorted and Manufacturers have to follow the guidelines to claim F2, so Freesync will be more controlled like G-Sync is.

The only thing that bothers me about that is will HDR be a requirement of Freesync 2?
Because if it is the original Freesync branding will still be the majority market share holder meaning we only get the wanted spec that's insisted on with HDR monitors and all the rest are still unregulated,
I imagine the implementation of HDR will be a slow trickle to start with so I hope it isn't a requirement and is instead a possible feature for Freesync 2 so we can still get them all regulated.
It's a shame it's needed especially considering how the worst offender is LG who also happen to be one of the biggest monitor companies.
I can understand where you are comming from. Its AMDs biggest weakness right now the inability to launch top tier competing products for gamers around the same time nvidia is instead of a year later. Now i understand it is so for a reason but it doesnt make it less regretful. Second i find most of the gsync monitors uninteresting as they are offered by Acer or Asus both companies i do not like as monitor manufacturers so it sucks if you have to say goodbye to a good wide selection of freesync panels due to AMD being way to slow to market. This is of course my personal opinion after owning several from each brand.

I literally bought the Ti out of desperation for more frames tbh! I'm hoping Vega is as fast as the Ti but I just can't shake the feeling that they're going to target the more volume market and it'll be a bit better than the 1080 at similar pricing. It would make sense after all, and leave the better performing parts for 7nm.

What *would* be a nice surprise is a Polaris-based 590 with more CU's to help battle the 1070 at a better price-point, that would be totally unexpected...
The only thing that bothers me about that is will HDR be a requirement of Freesync 2?
Because if it is the original Freesync branding will still be the majority market share holder meaning we only get the wanted spec that's insisted on with HDR monitors and all the rest are still unregulated,
I imagine the implementation of HDR will be a slow trickle to start with so I hope it isn't a requirement and is instead a possible feature for Freesync 2 so we can still get them all regulated.
It's a shame it's needed especially considering how the worst offender is LG who also happen to be one of the biggest monitor companies.
I don't think HDR is a requirement of Freesync 2 from what I have read but an option.
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