Have I rustled some jimmies from you 16.9 peasants?

Don't be jelly of the master race
Again, resolution and aspect ratio are 2 different things, you could have high resolution and 21.9 aspect ratio

Give me the superior aspect ratio over pixels any day of the week though
I thought you had issues too?
At least it read like you did anyway.
No way am I doing a format for a broken game (especially when every other game on my system runs perfectly, even mafia 3 runs amazingly well now.....), I can get the light shaft rays back by using the overall preset setting of very high, not my problem if developers can't get their game to work, heck what can you expect from Bethesada though, they couldn't even get a basic resolution setting to work on release for fallout 4.....
16.9 is not a resolution, it is an aspect ratio
Tell that to people on here:
I've seen more people go from "4k" to 21.9 than the other way round.
I've used all kinds of displays, 4k in both 16.9 27-55" and 21.9 screens, in terms of just immersion, you can't beat 21.9, it is just better.
But once again, people really need to stop just thinking "4k" is what makes screens look sharp etc. It is is completely down to the PPI (which is brought from a higher resolution) and viewing distance, superb article that explains this here:
I will be getting an 55" 4k OLED HDR TV soon, however, I will be putting a custom 21.9 res. on it so as to avoid the cramped look of peasant 16.9 for gaming
My potato PC runs well optimised games fantastically, I ain't going to throw away £500+ just for a few more FPS and to run "ultra" that brings no benefit to IQ

Got better things to spend my money on
Heck, I'm even happy with my 290s performance, the only reason I'm wanting to upgrade is for a cooler and quieter running GPU