It isn't both him and his mate are purchase justifying their GTX780 cards in a Vega thread,and now making it out that the review sites are having some conspiracy between all of them to undersell the poor GTX780 and oversell the R9 290 series.
Wow,AMD has such awesome leet marketing skills they are forcing all the review sites to that.
What can poor Nvidia do??
Both of them know very well,the 3GB limit itself will gimp the GTX780 anyway - they don't want to admit the R9 290 will last longer,since it reflects on their own purchase of the GTX780.
Maybe if they had a R9 290 it might have lasted them a tad,longer,thats why. It makes them feel better about their new puchase as being justified.
I think one of them was saying how great the FX5800 or FX5900 was or something a while back and how rubbish the 9700 PRO was so should have just ignored them.
He has never played Doom, if he did he would know 150 FPS at those settings is GTX 1080 territory.
Or he's deliberately posting troll threads as fact hoping no one would notice.
1.5Ghz 970 ~85 FPS.
A 970 is equivalent to a 780TI in performance, way faster than the entry level big Kepler 780, so no way its getting 150 FPS where i get 85.
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