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AMD Vs. Nvidia Image Quality - Old man yells at cloud

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Still banging away I see, without one iota of proof.

I see using AMD causes delusions... My proof? Mate in the pub told me, so it is fact! :D

I was thinking this then I googled it, put the feelers out there and dug through pages and pages of guff. Ask yourself this though, your mate in the pub told you once, but what happens if hundreds or even thousands of people told you the same thing in the pub? You might then start looking closer, no? if you google AMD vs Nvidia image quality you can see this has been going back some 10 years with that same argument in perhaps thousands of posts in multiple different forums. If that many people claim they can see something then perhaps there is something in it. I've said it myself in this thread, I can definitely see a difference in the out of the box config between nvidia and amd on my setup.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I did a fresh install of my 2080 Ti and driver on my PG279Q and it defaulted to Full, I think it completely depends on the monitor.

Displayport almost always defaults to full RGB, there are some exceptions. HDMI is a mixed story as the way nVidia have it setup a lot of monitors are seen as having a HDTV profile and limited RGB applied - usually incorrectly. DVI/VGA rarely is it a consideration.

I've found having to set RGB to full a relatively minor occurrence over the years - not uncommon but more systems I've setup haven't needed it to be changed than have.

Sadly a lot of rubbish posted on this topic and myths perpetuated because certain people want to believe they are true.
2 Sep 2017
Displayport almost always defaults to full RGB, there are some exceptions. HDMI is a mixed story as the way nVidia have it setup a lot of monitors are seen as having a HDTV profile and limited RGB applied - usually incorrectly. DVI/VGA rarely is it a consideration.

I've found having to set RGB to full a relatively minor occurrence over the years - not uncommon but more systems I've setup haven't needed it to be changed than have.

Sadly a lot of rubbish posted on this topic and myths perpetuated because certain people want to believe they are true.

On older GeForces the picture is locked to RGB Limited (no options in the control panel to change it) and one needs a hack to enable the Full RGB.

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I was thinking this then I googled it, put the feelers out there and dug through pages and pages of guff. Ask yourself this though, your mate in the pub told you once, but what happens if hundreds or even thousands of people told you the same thing in the pub? You might then start looking closer, no? if you google AMD vs Nvidia image quality you can see this has been going back some 10 years with that same argument in perhaps thousands of posts in multiple different forums. If that many people claim they can see something then perhaps there is something in it. I've said it myself in this thread, I can definitely see a difference in the out of the box config between nvidia and amd on my setup.

You are using a post that is over 10 years old (GTX 285 against the HD 5870) as your proof and using an image of differing attributes as the reasoning. Look at both shots moving and you will see they are not the same. I had my 290X in my PC a short while back and whilst I also felt the IQ was better, that was down to the fact that default settings are superior to NVidia's and not even I will argue with that but after some calibration (which is needed on both), I couldn't see a difference at all.

I do agree. It is more with the random rubbish posted that I am picking up on 4k8k. Things from "NVidia circuit boards use cheap components, hence why 2D image is poor" - To 10 year old posts used as fact.
19 Feb 2007
Well, Nvidia's control panel still looks like it's from windows 95 :p

The idea was put forth by a few "unofficial" Nvidia people prior to the launch of Turing if people wanted a GFE like control panel, I believe it was "leaked" as a concept, I thought it would be great but it got shouted down, People lost their minds, Started screeching etc etc... so it's a no win scenario, We either keep the current functional CP and have people moan or Nvidia update the CP to be more inline with the GFE theme and then people moan and start screeching as well.
2 Sep 2017
The idea was put forth by a few "unofficial" Nvidia people prior to the launch of Turing if people wanted a GFE like control panel, I believe it was "leaked" as a concept, I thought it would be great but it got shouted down, People lost their minds, Started screeching etc etc... so it's a no win scenario, We either keep the current functional CP and have people moan or Nvidia update the CP to be more inline with the GFE theme and then people moan and start screeching as well.

Users will always moan, this is inevitable. But it isn't a reason to stop the development and not move on with forwards designs.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
The idea was put forth by a few "unofficial" Nvidia people prior to the launch of Turing if people wanted a GFE like control panel, I believe it was "leaked" as a concept, I thought it would be great but it got shouted down, People lost their minds, Started screeching etc etc... so it's a no win scenario, We either keep the current functional CP and have people moan or Nvidia update the CP to be more inline with the GFE theme and then people moan and start screeching as well.
People always moan at change though. People even moaned every time we upgraded the forum here also, does not mean we should not change.

End of the day if all they did is rewrite the drivers in up to date code so it launched faster and updated UI only, what would be the issue? If people want to moan at that let them.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
This is interesting. When was the last time the forum was updated? For more than 2 years, I haven't seen any updates.
It has been updated maybe 2 or 3 times since I joined. Not something they like to do regularly. I think the current system will be fine for some time to be honest.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
People always moan at change though. People even moaned every time we upgraded the forum here also, does not mean we should not change.

End of the day if all they did is rewrite the drivers in up to date code so it launched faster and updated UI only, what would be the issue? If people want to moan at that let them.

It only launches slowly when viewing certain sections that need to gather information - unfortunately no way that I know of to force it to open to the home view each time through the normal process for opening it but I posted a method once for opening the home view from a shortcut.
22 Nov 2006
People always moan at change though. People even moaned every time we upgraded the forum here also, does not mean we should not change.

End of the day if all they did is rewrite the drivers in up to date code so it launched faster and updated UI only, what would be the issue? If people want to moan at that let them.

Change often makes things worse though.

Nvidia's drivers are so bloated though and if you have loads of games on a large HDD it takes fricking forever to load the options up.

AMD's GUI looks fancy but it's really quick with loads of options.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Change often makes things worse though.

Nvidia's drivers are really bloated though and the GUI takes forever to load certain parts of it. Even though it looks simple :/

AMD's GUI looks fancy but it's really quick with loads of options.

How it looks is nothing to do with why it takes awhile to load - some sections need to fetch or refresh backend information such as per-application details.

Aside from the "Adjust image settings with preview" view which I never use anyhow and only takes around 2 seconds to open the only view that doesn't open close to instantly for me is the "Manage 3D settings" section.
2 Sep 2017
I am an old man and happy as Larry to stick with the traditional NCP. I know what is what and where to go and that is all I need.

I think the nvidia control panel is heavy and counter-intuitive, with sometimes difficult to find an option to change.
Radeon Settings is more user-friendly, while with modern user interface.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I think the nvidia control panel is heavy and counter-intuitive, with sometimes difficult to find an option to change.
Radeon Settings is more user-friendly, while with modern user interface.
One of the few things we can agree on 4K8K :p

That and your good advice when I was looking for a mobo a few weeks ago ;)
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