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AMD Vs. Nvidia Image Quality - Old man yells at cloud

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I think the nvidia control panel is heavy and counter-intuitive, with sometimes difficult to find an option to change.
Radeon Settings is more user-friendly, while with modern user interface.
I am sure when you watch a video on the Nvidia control panel, it does indeed look heavy and counter intuitive but when you use it, it is simples!
2 Sep 2017
I think it hasn't been shared yet here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforc...ght-nvidia-cheating-in-visual-fidelity-again/

Caught Nvidia cheating in visual fidelity. Again.
DaRkL3AD3R 3y

I recently noticed some visual artifacts in many different games. They all have the same problem. Transparent textures completely ignore anisotropic filtering and even seem to have worse LOD bias. I made a topic in the Half Life Reddit asking AMD GPU owners to load up my quick save file and take a screenshot where I was demonstrating the issue. And sure enough AMD renders the scene properly. The thing to look for is the fence in the distance. The foreground fence is rendering a higher mipmap level and looks proper. The fence in the background is using a much much worse LOD and looks terrible. Here's the comparisons.

Nvidia: http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...943/98AB90BE8EFC1B4653F171A51142CA62E5E6142C/

AMD: http://i.imgur.com/TLenMsv.jpg

In both screenshots, the game is set to max in game settings and 16x AF. I even have the Nvidia texture filtering set to High Quality which is the highest setting. How can you explain this, Nvidia? Why are you cheating on visual fidelity compared to your competitors? This needs fixing because at some point in the last 3 years or less you made a change to your drivers that drastically hurt texture filtering quality. I am utterly disappointed with this finding.

Radeon IQ:

GeForce IQ:
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Someone has stolen all the bars off the NVidia side. That is terrible and for that reason, I am out! It doesn't matter that this was 3 years ago, that is blatant cheating from NVidia and disgusting behaviour! I wish I had been enlightened earlier to these shenanigans!
10 Oct 2012
Someone has stolen all the bars off the NVidia side. That is terrible and for that reason, I am out! It doesn't matter that this was 3 years ago, that is blatant cheating from NVidia and disgusting behaviour! I wish I had been enlightened earlier to these shenanigans!

nVidia's ways are mysterious. Why accept hard facts when blind faith is easier.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I don’t get it. What is the point of going on about images from 15+ years ago?

That is in the past. Unless one can look at IQ from recent games (circa 2017-2019) and consistently show over 10+ games Nvidia having inferior image quality then it is not relevant and no one will give a ****.

If a new company found a way to make hardware for £99 that can produce 2080 Ti performance and only have 99% of the image quality in all current games, no one would give a **** how they arrived at it and would not call it cheating.

Cheating to me is more on the lines of adding extra code to a benchmark to boost scores like Nvidia did do in the past with 3DMark if I recall correctly. I may even consider it for what they did in games they got devs to put a bunch of tessellation under water that had zero IQ benefit, but was there to tank performance of AMD cards as they had weaker tessellation performance on their cards at the time.
2 Sep 2017
Well, I think nvidia exploits and takes advantage of the fact that users don't care about image quality. Hence, they allow not only to boost points in 3DMark-type of benchmarks but also heavily remove parts of the rendered scenes, so the load on the GPU decreases, while almost nobody notices.
19 Dec 2010
Well, I think nvidia exploits and takes advantage of the fact that users don't care about image quality. Hence, they allow not only to boost points in 3DMark-type of benchmarks but also heavily remove parts of the rendered scenes, so the load on the GPU decreases, while almost nobody notices.

Why are you still talking absolute nonsense? You have consistently shown in the GPU and CPU sections of this forum that you know nothing and that the rubbish you spout as facts are entirely based on what vendor you happen to be in love with at the time.

Stop posting up screenshots of games from 15 years ago to make an argument about the state of things today. @TNA has posted up something for you to do. Get screenshots of a range of current games and prove once and for all there is difference. Because if what you say is actually true, it should be very easily proved. But of course, most common sense people know that it isn't true, because if it was it would be huge news. Tech websites would be all over it, especially the PRO-AMD ones.
2 Sep 2017
You do realise the AMD picture looks worse right?

No, the GeForce image lacks quite considerable amount of tree branches, and in the foreground the texture quality is worse. The Radeon image has some interesting anisotropic filtering applied in the distance but overall it is the less disturbing image to the eyes.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
You do realise the AMD picture looks worse right? Looks more like AMD was cheating. The AMD image has higher sharpness applied, resulting in artifacts and jaggies. The Nvidia image looks much cleaner.
But the point is it does not even matter. That was 15 years ago! Waste of time talking about it.
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