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AMD working on Virtual Reality too

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
As an example, AMD True Audio is licensed ip with AMD branding, implementing it is different from making it from the ground up.

To make it abundantly clear to avoid any future confusion, I'm NOT stating Nvidia aren't making their own VR headset from scratch, I'm speculating too.

Why the bold? You are welcome to your opinion, of which I don't agree or disagree. When we hear more, we can chat more ;)

Bookmarked this thread though :D
19 Jun 2009
i have had a play with oculus rift DK1 and DK2 and i can say without a doubt that when it goes live i will be buying one of them for sure.

I doubt they will be a fad once you try them you will be blown away
12 Sep 2012
Oculus is great fun and it seems to be developing at an impressive rate considering where it was just a few years ago.

Though some pretty big players are getting involved, i cant see VR becoming common any time soon. The DK2's 1080p resolution was a nice step up but its a long way off of the sort of image quality that most people in this forum would find acceptable. People generally believe the consumer version will release at 1400p due to the Oculus stating that the consumer version will be cheaper and of higher resolution. Their newest announced version will probably be more or less what we will see on the shelves if released this year.

Crescent Bay
In September 2014, during the Oculus Connect conference in Los Angeles, Oculus once again presented an updated version of the Rift, codenamed Crescent Bay. This version has a greater resolution than the DK2, a lower weight, built-in audio, and 360-degree tracking thanks to the presence of tracking LEDs in the back of the headset. Oculus has also licensed software library RealSpace3D, which is expected to provide the Rift with HRTF and reverb algorithms

Excuse the wiki quote but im too inebriated to use my google fu!

I dont think the price tag will be too high, as they are essentially using phone screenss from samsung as the display. As much as i want Oculus to be accepted by the average user, i cant see it taking off the way living room consoles, tablets and and handheld consoles took off as entertainment devices any time soon. Though i have only tried the DK2, i think VR at 1400p wont meet the standard of the vast majority of users in this forum due to the relative size of the screen (considering how close it is).

I personally want to believe that AMD are working with Oculus and developers of future games to work on hardware optimization and such to squeeze out more performance out of PC gear as well as assisting in the development of some of their features like the sound perception feature mentioned at the end of the quote above. HRTF and reverb algorithms sound exactly like the sort of thing True Audio's DSP is made for.
6 Jun 2006
I tried the DK2 - borrowed it from a friend and played with it over a weekend. Tested Alien Isolation and it was apparent that the support for DK2 was spotty. Resolution was too low as well on the DK2 display as it was possible to see individual pixels - however even given those restrictions/problems it's clear to me that this was something I would definitely go for - not just for games. Consider VR broadcasts of football games, concerts etc - I'd sign up for that in a minute provided the headsets VRs were good enough. I have the Note 4 so been looking at buying the VR headset but will probably wait for a later version and more services to become available before I make the jump.
25 Jun 2009
First helmet that comes in final version i am buying. Its best thing that happened to gaming and watching porn by mile !!!!

it would have to be pretty damned good but i dont think it will be, because there's far too much tech to get right the first time !!!

plus, it'll never work until you can actually move around in the game, because you cant play a virtual reality shooter whilst sitting down can you !!!!

you have to be able to actually run, jump, slide, dive etc, this will take at least another 50 years!
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
plus, it'll never work until you can actually move around in the game, because you cant play a virtual reality shooter whilst sitting down can you !!!!

What about games where you don't move around? There are absolutely stacks of these that could be opened up in to incredible VR experiences if used with these headsets. FPS games actually do benefit from it, despite not being able to jump, slide, backflip, etc - don't underestimate the immersion that head tracked camera control can provide.
2 Jan 2012
Dev Leaves Epic Games to ‘Focus on VR at AMD’

Virtual reality (VR) is most definitely the hot topic of the Game Developers Conference (GDC), San Francisco, this week, and now it appears another hardware vendor is about to play their hand. A noted developer from Epic Games has revealed that he no longer works for the North Carolina based development studio and has instead moved to Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) to ‘focus on VR’.




21 Oct 2002
As has been said, one of the whole points of virtual reality is that you don't actually have to do it.
For example a virtual football game where you have to run around and completely knacker your self out for 90 mins and make my self feel like a complete pillock, well I can do that outside with a ball that only cost a fiver rather than an exspensive VR headset.

oh dear the thought of actually running around for 90 mins, makes my chest hurt let alone actually doing it.

The point being we want to have the virtual experience without having to actually do the physical activity.
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